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seaqwin Asked September 2010

When do I know it is time to get Hospice?

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Oct 2010
As early as possible after a terminal diagnosis. Many people use six months as a guideline, but call them any time. People can go off of hospice care if they improve. So, don't hesitate. They are a wonderful source of information.

Gloworm4u Jun 2012
Do a diabetic wound that really bad qualify someone to stay for a awhile like six months...


Gloworm4u Jun 2012
Ive been taking car of mom since dad died of MS in 97. He was only 53. Mom is 64.5 now and now getting meds from a hosptial near by. She has schzophrenoa na d diebatic wound that seeps alot. She take med only for abot two weeks then she get worse again. This happens every she comes home. She is no longer able to reason whenshe relapses like this. she now refuse to pay her rent and im out of work since 2009. Im in school for PM and I just got my master in healthcare administration. Im not sure what to do. I want her to stay in a nursing home for as long I need her to be until I find work...

Gloworm4u Jun 2012
Or just get a guardianship over her bank account for to rent. Rent is very reasonable but she absolutely loose it when its time to pay rent. Ive been paying her and my sister have been payin g her rent for 6 months five months now. The economy is not letting up fast enough as Im still being told ..U dont match or we went with someone else ans no long looking at your resume... So Its scary for me a little if I depend on her. I wont be and this iswhy I need to leave the area and find a job else where. (I live in NJ.) to Cousin;s job where she work to get me into the hospital there. Website don't work for some who look like me but networking is key I see now!. I need advice.

D3lor3s May 2014
My mother has been diagnosed with sarcoma and given six to nine months to live. Her oncologist recommends hospice. My mother is bedridden and can not walk. I plan to move her to a hospice section of a nursing home at this time. She has both medicare and a private medical insurance. How do I find out what the private insurance company will cover?

vstefans May 2014
Gloworm, you need an eldercare legal consultation. Funds may be tight but it is sounding like you can't afford not to. It would be a legitimate use of mom's funds, BTW. Are you asking about guardianship because there is no DPOA? POAs are a lot cheaper to get if the person is willing - maybe you can reason with her enough when she is in a good place and on meds to get it signed, by explaining "this will let us take care of things if you are ever sick and in the hospital again" and then get incapacity letters from her doctors a little after that.

I'll hope adn pray you can find suitable work soon too!

vstefans May 2014
D3, you'd think either a hospital social worker, discharge planner, or financial counselor, OR the social worker or admissions director for the nursing home could help you out with that, if you have a hard time with contacts or case managers for the private insurer. It can get sticky with each one wanting to be the payor of last resort and expecting the other to take care of it and sending you the bills if they don't. I was often suprised at what did or did not work with different options, some things we could predict in advance and some not so much.

Bonnie128 Jul 2014
My husband is 84 and has been suffering from emphesema for many years and is on a concentrator. He has fallen a few times because he is so weak and a few days ago he was hardly eating. All of a sudden he is hungry & eating but he is not making any sense when he talks to me. Also, he seems to be getting around a lot better whereas a day ago I had to walk with him for fear of his falling.

questions051016 May 2016
what is the actual criteria that a at home hospice would concider for a perspective patient.. my dad has not been given any set time but he is in and out of hospitals and SNIFS at 82 not walking well has fallen many times meds help with dimentia like symptoms my mother is sole cavegivercan she get help thru hospice even though he has no offical diagnosis?


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