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tgarcia Asked November 2010

My mother-in-law is taking off her depends during the night and urinating everywhere. What's a good way to handle this?

MiaMadre Nov 2010
Although there are 'lines' of clothing that will prevent one from 'undressing without help', perhaps it would be better to provide some help for her to go TO the bathroom in the middle of the night.

There are 'bed alarms that will alert you when she gets up in the middle of the night, and keeping track of her habits helps too.

I'm sure you need to sleep the same hours, so you may want to consider someone to be there to help her if she does get up.

Put a 'bedside commode' in her room, and make sure that she knows what it is for. If she has dementia, this may not work.

She sounds confused to me, and even nighttime medication can add to this confusion! Review her meds with a doctor to see if that is the case. Giving "water pills" late in the evening can produce many 'night time accidents' and irratic behavior too. Talk to her doctor about the timing of any medication to prevent this problem.

Have her checked for a UTI! If this is 'new' behavior' then it could be the result of a urinary tract infection! (I'm not a doctor, but I assure you, this is the case more often than not!).

Try to establish a night time routine right before bed. Note her fluid intake (and timing) and see if this is contributing.

Finally, make sure that her 'room' is safe. If there are slick floors she can fall and break something. I would rather have cleaned up 'pee' than to find my loved one on the floor with a broken (anything)!

Be safe, be creative and be blessed.


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