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bibstalent Asked November 2010

Why is my elderly mother not eating?

Eddie Nov 2010

My anorexic sister Martha always says "If you don't eat you don't get hungry ... and fat." Enraged, I once told her she looked sick like a scarecrow; then asked her if she was smoking crack. She hasn't spoken to me since. As far as I know, she still sports that "gone with the wind" look that she believes men find so appealing; and refuses to see a shrink because "there's nothing wrong with her."

Your Mom might be severely depressed, or her refusal to eat might be her way of fighting back and regaining control of her life. Then again she might be to tired to chew anything, so I suggest those power shakes that bodybuilders love so much: thick, rich, packed with calories, nutrients and minerals to keep the body strong, pumped, and gorgeous. ... Push comes to shove, take her to a Puerto Rican or Dominican cuchifrito and buy her a soft, crispy-on-the-outside potato ball. Treat her to something special; something tasty, something greasy.

I've always told my clients "watch what you eat so you can eat what you want," and in your mother's case she needs all the calories she can get until her appetite is restored. Good luck my friend, and let me know what she had for dinner.

-- ED


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