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dugopolje1 Asked November 2010

My mother refuses to accept help with meals and will starve herself rather than ask for help. How can I make sure she is eating?

gamatthews Nov 2010
Does the assisted living facility have skilled nursing wings. Most facilities will not let you stay in AL if you are not capable of caring for yourself. There was a lawsuit awhile back of a lady who was in assisted living, but no longer able, so she hired her own full time "nurse". The facility sought to remove her because of conflict with contract. Don't recall the verdict, but should check with the facility to see what help is available.

NancyH Nov 2010
Sounds like the days of 'independent living' is over for your mother. She's needing 'assisted living' now. What has caused the shift in her behavior? Does the doctor have ideas of what to do? What's with the prideful behavior all of a sudden, or is this more normal for the pride mentality in her personality? Lots of questions.



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