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boyle Asked November 2010

Is there any type of housing where my parents could continue to live together and that my father could receive medical care?

JonathninOregon Nov 2010
You can do what my wife did for her mother. Move your loved ones into your house. Give them the biggest bedroom you can, and devote some of your time to their care. Get a visiting nurse if their medical conditions require it. You will have more time to thank them for raising you right, forgive them for their parenting mistakes, receive their thanks for your love and receive their forgiveness for the times when you were less than the perfect offspring. When they die, you will have much less to regret than if you find them someplace far away to meet the criteria you set out. It's a hard, inconvenient, expensive, solution that you will thank God for (if you do it right) every day for the rest of your life. My mother-in-law lived with us for ten years and died in our family room with her daughter right there.

M1953 Nov 2010
My husband & I have some friends that recently moved into such a place! They had us to come visit them at their new apartment & they showed us around. They have a 1,000' apartment & it's beautiful! They have a huge bedroom, living room, kitchen/dining, stackable washer/dryer, & office. In the main area they have access to a bank, ice cream parlor, bar, church, hair salon & common area. They have a full restaurant also & they can have guests in fact they said they can have guests spend a week or so with them they just have to book the room ahead of time. We ate with them in their restaurant, delicious food! All they have to do is walk to the restaurant & sit down & order from a menu, it's fantastic! They are in their early 80's! If there is no movement in their apartment by 10:00 a.m. then an intercom will ask if they are okay! If there is no response then someone will come up to the apartment & make sure they are okay. They also have a 2 car garage that they never have to go out into the weather to access it! They purchased the apartment after selling their home. Once they are both deceased 95% of the value they paid for the apartment goes back to the family. There is an assisted living, nursing home, & alzheimers unit attached & if one or the other goes into either of those then the other can stay in the apartment. They have full access to medical attention also. They are also building a Y next to this one & it will have a swimming pool that the facility can access! These people have thought of everything! We were totally impressed! This couple loves it & the man plays the piano & sings in German so he has hymn nights for all the people there & they love him! There is a separate restaurant for the assisted living, alzheimers & nursing home sections. Our friends are in a section that is not assisted living they take total care of themselves!

There are facilities like this one all over the US so check the web site out & see what you can find out! Good Luck!


HelenM Nov 2010
I agree with keithsmom - your options available depends on what type of medical care your father needs. There are in-home nursing services for basic medical (i.e. wound care, bandage changing, bathing assistance, blood pressure and medication management, etc) and their are varying levels of assisted living. Medicare does provide some assistance for in-home nursing care but there are limitations involved. Call your local Area Agency on Aging and they can help you with what your options are and can also possibly help you get through the Medicare options.

keithsmom Nov 2010
It depends on how sick your Dad is. Consider assisted living which is cheaper than a nursing home. Mom's nursing home cost $6K a month where her assisted living was 2,400, she had a private bath. Unfortunately Medicare does not pay for either and unless she has long term insurance neither does secondary insurance. I live in PA and was very lucky to get good care in each place. There are state agencies that can guide you. Some consulting places, we had Molly Bloomberg from "A Place for Mom" helped in finding the right thing. Let your fingers do the walking, internet a great source. Your local hospital, social services department. The help is out there you just have to find it. Maybe even a volunteer from the church.


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