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iluvmydad Asked December 2010

My dad keeps blacking out and then drooling when it happens, he says it's the fumes from the fire. What should I do if he won't go to the doctors to check-out this issue?

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Dec 2010
Try to get someone outside of the family, like an old freind, to get him to go to the doctor just for a check up, say, for his blood pressure. Then, you can write the doctor a letter ahead of time and tell him or her about the blackouts.

If he won't even listen to a friend and go for any checkup, you can call social services. But in the end, unless he's been determined incompetent, you probably can't force him to go. Sad, however, but it happens.

N1K2R3 Dec 2010
He probably had a stroke, either an Ischemic stroke or bleeding stroke......should see a neurologist for an MRI of the brain.. Just clean him up and keep him happy. Speech lessons might help....Also some Physical Therapy.


anonymous101100 Dec 2010
Thats super sad. I wonder if its seizures. So dont have a fire on and see if it happens right? Is it a fake log, which do have smelly chemicals in them? I would stay right there with Video camera in hand and tape the entire episode, then take it to his doctor. If he wont go, maybe he can get on an antiseizure medication from the video .I would then ask the dr to order a visiting nurse to come over to take bloodwork and vitals for him. A serious sit down "Because I love you? talk sometimes works too. Good luck.

BridgetW Dec 2010
No doctor in his right mind is going to give you a script based on a video; however that is a good idea so you can explain what is happening. I would not want a doctor to give my parent a script based on a video without vitals and blood work as well as a full work up since it sounds like your father has not been to see a doctor in a long time. Could be one of a thousand things, I think it would be hard of any of us to guess what it actually is unless one of us is a certified physician. I agree with Minding Elders, try to get a friend to speak with him about going to a doctor for a general check up, as well as you can start to write down yourself what is going on in the environment when the attacks happen. Such as the environment, meals, fireplace, medicines, exercise, blood pressure, if you are able to get one, pulse, etc. Try to keep note to give to a doctor, if you are lucky enough to get him to one. As Minding Elder said, doctors love to hear in advance from family members about the elder and conditions they are not being honest about; doctors have a way of seeking the answers from the loved one without letting them know where they got the information.
You can also contact your local Area on Aging for help, support as well as some local Resources. There may be a local Mobile doctor organization like we have in Indianapolis, that will come to the house, as well as a hospital that has Senior Care physician's that go to the homes. Check with your hospitals that may be an option as well.

judy1 Dec 2010
Next time he blanked out I would call 911...they will then take him to the hospital to be evaluated ..


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