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eema2011 Asked January 2011

My mother has short-term memory loss and insists that she needs laxatives, when she is completely "regular". As a result, she keeps having messy accidents. What should we do?

She keeps having very messy accidents -- and denies it later when we try to prevent her from taking more laxatives.

42taint Jan 2011
Maybe you and your mom can make a chart and she puts in the day and time and initials it when she goes to the bathroom. When she doesn't believe you, bring out the chart.

Eddie Jan 2011

If she's taking those that come in bottles, replace them with a placebo that looks just like the ones she's taking. Here in the Bronx, for instance, bodegas sell a blue multi-vitamin that looks like Viagra; even the shape is the same. Turns out they're vitamins.

-- ED


PirateQueen Jan 2011
Oh man, my mom was on a constipation trip when she really wasn't it was my fault for letting her off her psych meds..big mistake for me and will never do it again. It took a long time to get those meds working again that she would let off that story. Does your mom take any psych meds?


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