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AmazingGrace Asked January 2011

Mom has late stage Alzheimer's. Today I was told she has spot on brain from breast cancer over 15-years-ago. She lives with me. What can I expect now?

I have a caregiver who takes care of her while I'm at work. I just don't know what to expect now.

AmazingGrace Jan 2011
Today my mom's surgeon who did her mastectomy 20 years ago called me and made me promise that I would not let her have anymore treatments or tests. He ordered hospice for her and they are coming to our home to evaluate her next week. He seems to feel that the breast cancer has definitely metastaticized to her brain. I'm 58 years old and my son and husband are my world, but today I feel so alone because I am an only child and both my parent's are leaving me.

AmazingGrace Jan 2011
Thanks, PirateQueen. I've only talked to the ER doctor. He wants me to take her to her doctor next week. I guess I'll get more answers then. I'm too anxious. She is no longer rational and can't understand what you say to her nor tell you what she wants. I would definitely not put her through any biopsies or treatments with her quality of life the way it is already. I'm definitely going to discuss hospice with her doctor when we go. I just thought that she had more time when it was just the Alzheimer's, but now it's like a kick in the gut to realize that she may be very near the end. We're really never ready, are we?


PirateQueen Jan 2011
How is her overall health? What does doctor say? Is she still rational and reasonable to any degree. I too have a caregiver while I am at work. It's a tough tough adventure...hang in there...give us some idea on her total health aspect...did anyone mention she needs hospice....or is that way too soon. Is she going to under go any treatment....let us know more so we can help more with your ???


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