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smathis1 Asked January 2011

How can I get my mom to eat and take her medicine even though she refuses because they cost to much?

NancyH Jan 2011
I've noticed that the older the person is, the more they worry about money. They came from a time where you pinched a penny till it bled. Now they see how out of control health care, gas, food etc. are and it's hard for them. If your mom is right to worry about her money then you need to address that with her. If however she's fine financially and just paranoid, then you have to address that too. I also know that sometimes old people want to leave money to their family when they die, so they have a hard time spending it on themselves. I always tell my mother-in-law when she balks at spending money on herself, "We are SO thankful that you have any money at all to pay for asst living, otherwise we'd all be in trouble. After all, that's what the money that you've saved all your life is for, to take care of you in your old age."


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