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karenc101418 Asked January 2011

My Dad has dementia and was neglected by my stepmom and now lives with us. We filed for divorce, but can I sue her civily after it's final?

My step sister called me to tell me that she thought her mom was trying to kill my dad. My relationship with my stepmom became non existant once my dad was diagnosed with dementia and talking to my dad, he stated that he was fine. I immediately went to his home in Tennessee and brought him with me. I took him to a doctor and he was 25 lbs underweight, he had and I am still fighting sores on his arms, although they are almost gone now. He was taking expired Aracept for the dementia that the doctor had originally given him the previous year when he was diagnosed. He was continuing to drive even though he had turned onto the expressway twice the wrong way and he has macular degeneration in both eyes and is almost completely blind in his left eye and has 80/20 vision in the right. She punched him at least three times that I am aware of. She would leave him outside in the heat without fluids while he worked in the yard. I could go on and on with the verbal abuse he endured. When we filed for divorce in Tennessee, we filed under the grounds of "Improper Marital Conduct" #11 - Cruel and inhuman treatment. Can we or I sue her after the divorce is final civilly?

dinak Jan 2011
I am so sorry about your poor dad's terrible experience. I hope that he is feeling much better now that you are caring so well for him! Laws vary so much state to state and within each county. I would assume that if you can prove that she accosted your dad and he had to seek medical attention for injuries, he might get reimbursed for his expenses. Or, if you can prove assault, maybe a small fine - I don't know if she will get much punishment without hard evidence. Good luck and I hope that she leaves your dad alone now to live out his life in peace.

dinak Jan 2011
I am so sorry about your poor dad's terrible experience. I hope that he is feeling much better now that you are caring so well for him! Laws very so much state to state and within each county. I would assume that if you can prove that she accosted your dad and he had to seek medical attention for injuries, he might get reimbursed for his expenses. Or, if you can prove assault, maybe a small fine - I don't know if she will get much punishment without hard evidence. Good luck and I hope that she leaves your dad alone now to live out his life in peace.



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