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InNeedNow Asked February 2011

My mother has Alzheimer's and needs 24 hour care and my stepfather is against it. How can I have her placed in a nursing home?

due to a medical illness himself but we live in different states. How can I have her placed in a nursing home so I know she is taken care of?

vali1712 Feb 2011
So, on the top of the screen you will see Find Care column. If you click in there, they will ask you some questions. If you don't want to be bother with phone calls you put your email correct so, all communications will be through email until you decide you want to move forward with someone. ALWAYS if you decide to move them anywhere ask for state inspections for the last 2-3yrs.

InNeedNow Feb 2011
They live in Ga and I live in SC


vali1712 Feb 2011
Which state do you live and which state did they live. maybe I can do a little search for you.


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