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bracken Asked February 2011

I am caring for my wife who has Alzhiemer's/LBD. I am in & out of depression and feeling isolated. Our neighbors, friends, relatives avoid us. How can I cope?

bracken Mar 2011
Yes. NH. Did not serve during war time

trudas Mar 2011
Are you a veteran? Veteran's have benefits also for AL's. What state are you in if I can ask?


bracken Mar 2011
I would If I could afford it. No LT Ins.

trudas Mar 2011
Look for an assited living that can take one or both of you. The caregivers will take care of your wife and will take care of you also until you get back to normal and you will be able to associate with others in your same situation. Good luck and bless you for all that you do each day!

bracken Mar 2011
No, I still need you all & am greatfull for all the responses, they
make me feel I am not alone anymore. I have a hard time getting
into the computor & been busy w/ doctors & hospital tests. May
have vascular surgery soon because of recent strokes. Seeing my PC Doctor tomorow to address my depression & possible
REM Sleep Disorder. Have plenty of Medicaid care for my wife
& respit for me(see my Bio.). Its me that needs & my biggest
fear is something might happen to me & will not be there to take care of my wife. Thanks for you all for being out there
It makes feel so good.
Ed Bracken

54j Mar 2011
Thought I was all alone there. I care for my husband stage late 6 early 7 Alzheimers. I really believe sometime people even family think this is a contagious disease. I really miss adult conversation. hard to get anyone to stay even for a minute. Cant take him out much never know what will happen. I cry a lot and pray a lot but please keep in touch. I really know what you are going through.
God Bless us all

linda09 Mar 2011
bracken has never reply back . so i guess he is no longer needin us ?

tbevill Mar 2011
Are your friends really friends? I would suggest that you join an Alzhimer support group perhaps you already do. If so it might be possible to visit or go to lunch or dinner together. Also, let your neighbors and friends know that you feel they are avoiding you and your spouse. Maybe, they think they are doing you a favor when actually they are hurting your feelings.

BonnieO Mar 2011
bracken....Bless you. The job you are doing is a lonely one and it is so true that friends and family scatter when you need them the most. I care for both of my parents in my home and I sometimes feel very depressed. I talked to my doctor about this and I now take medication. Also, come back here often. My parents have been with me for 2 years and in the beginning I would not have survived without the loving caring people on this site. I would be locked up somewhere and my parents would be in an NH. Try to find someone to give you a break if only for an hour. My "therapy" is going swimming with my grandchildren for an hour twice a week while hubby stays with Mom and Dad. If there is an occasion that we both need to be away we have found a college student that comes by and sits with them. Michelle is a wonderful caring young lady that we were lucky enough to find and is not as costly as hiring someone from an agency. If you do decide to go this route be sure and get to know the person very well. We have met Michelle's parents and she has even cared for my grandchildren on occasion. She is studying to be a special education teacher and I know that she will be a wonderful one.

Above all......get some "me" time. You cannot do this job without a little time for you. I was amazed at how great I felt the first time I left my parents with my husband and just walked around Goodwill for an hour. I wish you all the best and thank you for caring for your wife.

Fortress Mar 2011
Hi. Lewy Body Dementia has a great site with great support too that I found very helpful also my dad has lbd type dementia.

All his symptoms get really bad with any type of cold, allergy, sleep medications. So he no longer gets any of that stuff.

His symptoms are he gets confused, unable to think, has hallucinations, etc... then will have a great week and you'd think he was cured! It is a roller coaster.

He has just gone through 10 weeks of STRONG antibiotics IV and pill form to cure a bone infection. THAT cleared up so many of the problems he has had for the past 3 years! OMG.
He no longer suffers from a chronic runny nose, he is completely clear headed and normal mentally, and many of his terrible aches and pains in his legs and back are gone...

Now with Lewy Body (if he has it) this could just be one of those weird "good times" and he could revert back but for now we are having some good days.
At least I think the runny nose if gone for good.

hapfra Mar 2011
Wow--what a terrific reply from Lilliput----I was also a caregiver-I felt the isolation-and put myself on the back burner----until I joined up with the Alzheimer's Association (local chapter)-shared the experiences. You can possible get some good ideas this way as well as this GREAT forum.
It can be quite difficult to remain positive when things look like gloom and doom-but there are no alternatives.
Stay Strong!

LindaS Mar 2011
I believe each state has some sort of Agency of Aging although it will be called something different. Counties often have agencies as well. They can advise you on help available in your area. See if there is an Adult Day Care close by. My aunt goes to one twice a week and it has been a blessing to my uncle who cares for his wife. It gave him time to have some free time away from her and visit with his old friends and also is a great place for my aunt to socialize with her "new" friends and stay active since they have various activities designed for the Alzheimer and other disabled guests. Depending on your financial means, assistance may be available to pay for this resource. That is where the Agency of Aging comes in. They can help determine if you qualify for some type of assistance to help you defray the costs of getting some type of help. You can't do this yourself.

toadballet1 Feb 2011
There is no more isolating job than this one. When I first arrived at this website, I was angry at all the people in my life who seemed to "scatter" when I took on the role of caregiver to my Mom. I am not sure why, when you need the help most, you receive quite the it just human nature? not sure.
This forum has helped me tremedously. The ability to share the unvarnished realties of caregiving, has been a lifesaver. You are always welcomed to voice your frustrations here...or offer advice to others.
My best advice, if you can, is to get someone to come in and take over occasionally so you can get out and clear your head. Being a good caregiver does not mean that you have to be with you wife 24/7. Hire an in-home aide, who deals with Alz patients to come in. Do you have family who could just fill in once and awhile? Do you belong to a church or organization who have volunteers? Our state does offer some respite care for Alz.
The fact that you are depressed is a sign that you need help. Please do not feel that no one else can care for your wife the way you do.
I have a paid caregiver who comes by twice a week to do personal care, such as bathing and other things around Mom's apt. It has given Mom someone else to interact with and gives me a little break.
I am feel worn out too...and sometimes I do not know how much more I will be able to do. But we have to make sure we stay healthy for both ourselves and in order to help our loved ones.
Good luck...come here often for many nice people here who are willing to help.

vali1712 Feb 2011
Why don't you try to look for a place for your wife and go to visit her anytime. This is just the beginning. Will get harder and harder. Look for a Residential Care in your state, city. Takes a special person to care for these people. Not everyone can do this job. Don't destroy your relationship with your wife and don't destroy yourself either.
I can help you looking for the places or agencies who does this job of finding places for people who need more care and the family can't do it anymore.
Good luck and take care of yourself

linda09 Feb 2011
just gave you a hug , go look at ur profile .
as for you , sounds like need to ask ur doctor for some health nurse aid to come in and ck on u and ur wife , and talk to ur doctor about how ure feeling lately , and go from there ... best wishes , xoxox


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