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mimosalane Asked March 2011

My Mother (86) has an almost constantly runny nose. What can be done?

It's been running for over a year now like a little faucet. Nothing works!

JessieBelle Jul 2017
lerc, this is a caregiver support group. You may be looking for a clinical group. We occasionally have professionals come on with answers, but mostly it is caregivers talking with each other.

Ierc379 Jul 2017
I only see one answer on here....who monitors the site? Would be helpful to have a health professional answer....


Ierc379 Jul 2017
I don't see any answers on here to help anyone....who monitors this site?

Sheilarx Jun 2017
My mom who is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease also have above symptoms. When she eats she would have eye and nasal discharge.

jl1579 Apr 2015 sister used to have runny nose but more slight 2-3 years before she passed away from CHF at age 46
I'm in 60's and notice mine even runs at odd times.
That reminded my husband and I of getting a runny nose when eating soup. Not bad for us---just searching for way to help my Dad (above note) when he can't help himself.

jl1579 Apr 2015
When visiting my Dad at care center, I found him sitting with 3-inch nasal drainage. Not sure he was aware or if he couldnt get a kleenex which staff had handy. I constantly wiped his nose for him.
What can anyone do for folks in this situation?

jl1579 Apr 2015
When visiting my Dad at care center, I found him sitting with 3-inch nasal drainage. Not sure he was aware or if he couldnt get a kleenex which staff had handy. I constantly wiped his nose for him.
What can anyone do for folks in this situation?

Deardau Dec 2013
My Alz mom has had a constant runny nose, especially after eating, for many years. It's due to her high blood pressure medication.

crwilson Dec 2012
My husband has advanced Parkinson's. After lunch almost daily his nose runs like a faucet. After about a half an hour he vomits up phlegm. Is this a common symptom of advanced Parkinson's?

anonymous101100 May 2011
Yes my Mom had that before her stroke. We had all pretty cloth hankerchiefs for her and she loved them. The Dr said its normal , not to worry.

MiaMadre May 2011
According to the American Academy of Otolaryngolory Head and Neck Surgery, (do a google search for the article) it could be geriatric rhinitus. Here is an excerpt from their website:


With aging, the physiology and function of the nose changes. The nose lengthens, and the nasal tip begins to droop due to weakening of the supporting cartilage. This in turn causes a restriction of nasal airflow, particularly at the nasal valve region (where the upper and lower lateral cartilages meet). Narrowing in this area results in the complaint of nasal obstruction, often referred to as geriatric rhinitis.

Patients with geriatric rhinitis typically complain of constant “sinus drainage,” a chronic need to clear the throat or “hawk” mucus, and a sense of nasal obstruction, most often when they lie down. Other features include nasal crusting especially in the winter and in patients taking diuretics, vague facial pressure (attributed to “sinus trouble”), and a decreased sense of smell and taste.

However, it is a mistake to blame all upper respiratory problems on the aging process. Elderly patients with symptoms such as repeated sneezing, and watery eyes, nasal obstruction with clear profuse watery runny nose, and soft, pale turbinates (top-shaped bones in the nose) may have allergic rhinitis. Patients with this diagnosis will benefit from consultation with an otolaryngic allergist.

greatat61 May 2011
I too have a constant runny nose and eye but mine is from a blockage in my lacrimal nasal duct. It is between the eye and sinus. Was scheduled for surgery about 20 years ago after a years' worth of antibiotics, then all of a sudded something fell out of my sinuses and landed on the back of my tongue. It was a calcium deposit from having so many sinus infections.
But, as others have already said, it could be from meds or allergens in her home. You may want to take her for allergy tests. Good luck.

Dane May 2011
My husband and I both have the runny nose thing. I thought it was an allergy to my cat or dog. I never thought it could be due to a persons medications. I'm going to go right now and check it out. Thanks for the tip. Dane

sak9 May 2011
Contact a homeopathic for a herbal remedy and do check her medications for a possible side effect. One MD told me that a constant runny nose was the body's method of expelling toxins from the body. Too much acid in the diet can cause a runny nose. More fresh fruits and vegetables are often needed.

elaine826 May 2011
My 88 year old mother had the same problem for the last year of her life - only other medical concern was a weak heart (had pacemaker). Doctors felt it was either allergies or a side effect from one of her meds. Some of her meds did mention watery sinusus as a side effect. Never found out - she lived with it and carrying around tissues all the time. I hope someone else on this post writes in and has a possible reason she has this constant runny nose - since I'm always interested in learning about illnesses, side effects, etc. - even though mom has passed away. Good luck!


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