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whitemarvina Asked May 2011

My mom needs a break from the stress of caregiving for my father. Is there a day care that will take my father fishing for 2 hours a day?

Dad has had several mini strokes and ane big stroke that left him with impaired vision. He has severe short term memory problems and difficulty hearing. He can be difficult, especially with someone he hasn't known his entire life. He still fights to be independent.

ChristinaW May 2011
omg--in FL--you need to call the marina where he lives, try the closest senior center or adult daycare/caregivers in the area and keep ASKING.
Remember: "Ask, and you will receive". Stranger things have happened!
All the Best, Marvina, and let us know what develops!!! Praying for fisher man:)
HUGS, Christina

whitemarvina May 2011
He often forgets what he is doing and will do something like put the boat in gear and go before lifting anchor. His friends have become impatient with him. Mom and Dad live in FL while the rest of are in IN. I was hoping to find someone I could pay to drive the car and boat, fish with him awhile, and take him home.


ChristinaW May 2011
What a unique question! Does he have friends who are still fishing? Maybe contact the owner of the store where he buys bait and fishing equipment. I don't fish and know NOTHING about fishing, but I think fisherman are known for being solitary beings, but patient!!! I think you need to go to them and ask, or tell the owner of sporting goods store to ask around. I am sure someone will have a good idea! Anyway, Marvina, that is a great idea and something fun and productive for Dad, while your Mom gets a break. Bless all of your Hearts:) Christina


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