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groveisleblond Asked May 2011

I am an only living child, my mom does not have a POA but I am named jointly on all her accounts, do I need anything else when she passes ?

Mom is 93 and a widow, she lives with me. I am named jointly on all her accounts and assets. She does not have a written POA for anything other than medical decisions which I hold the power of making. Does we need anything else to give me full authority

seemeride May 2011
I would check with the banks where her accounts are to see if you have right of survivorship. Most check ing accounts may be like that, but check to make sure

vstefans May 2011
POA ends at death anyway. My cousin had this arrangement with her mom (my aunt) but it kind of backfired because she also had her name on all the credit cards and was stuck paying them all off!


debmcd1256 May 2011
A POA is about taking care of finances and business when a person is living but not taking care of it herself due to illness, dementia or just saying a want you to do it. You should be fine in this situation. If there is property she would still need a will unless you are on the deed.

NancyH May 2011
You don't need POA if you're already on her accounts. I am POA for my mother-in-law so I pay all the bills etc. But when she dies, my legal job is cut off and only her sons who are on the account with her will have any rights. So you're good.


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