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Honeybo Asked June 2011

What should I do if I went to the bathroom and fell and hit my forehead getting up from the commode?

I did not pass out, but I don't remember going to the bathroom.

linda09 Jun 2011
honeybo- have u called the dr yet ? i was wondering how often does that happen ? sometimes the blood presure is too low or too high would causes it to not remmy what happen . blood sugar s low ? lack of sleep ?
best bet is to go see ur doc , keep in touch dear , i care ...

dijim33 Jun 2011
I could not agree with Linda09 more, except to say:
Please, call someone immediately and tell them what happened.
Call a friend, a doctor, a family member, your Pharmacist or anyone else you can trust.
Please !


jeannegibbs Jun 2011
Was this in the middle of the night? Daytime? Have you found yourself doing other things (or evidence you've done them) without remembering that you did?

linda09 Jun 2011
how old are you ? you prob should go report that to ur doc . doc may be able to pin point the pblms . becareful my dear . xoxox


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