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daddy1 Asked July 2011

Where can I find low-income affordable assisted living for my elderly father?

he needs housing immediately and his only income is SSI

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Jul 2011
Is he on Medicaid? They generally have senior housing, but sometimes there's a waiting list. If not, check with your housing agency in the community and see what their requirements are. There may be something for him.
Good luck,

puckmomma Jul 2011
My mom is on disability and she was accepted into assisted living. Just don't sign anything or YOU will be responsible for the big bill. SSI should cover most of the cost also a Social Worker at the facility should tell you about some programs your state may offer to help offset the cost as well as enrolling in Medicare or other programs.

THe social worker at the facility should help you with all the paperwork needed, but just as a reminder that SSI check will not go to the house anymore it goes right to the facility.

Step 1 Go to a facility and ask to speak to the social worker on duty. Be sure to take her name and number down.

Step 2 Tell him/her you situation and if that is the best option for you.

Step 3 Talk to the staff and get a tour , Don't forget to speak to some of the seniors there. They are very vocal, and wil tell you if the place is good, how the food is, dirt about the staff.

Step 4 Talk to your dad about your decision and be firm.

I just went through this and I hope this info helps you.

But it will take leg work and not always a better neighborhood facilty is better. I heard some real horror stories in the better places in the suburbs.


MsBeeGee66 Jul 2011
Hello, I am in the very same situation as you are and I keep hitting one wall after another with this ordeal. Please e-mail me if you find a solution and I will do the same. Warm regards,
Ms. Beegee66


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