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ldepeso Asked August 2011

My mom has insomnia, what can I do to help her sleep?

My Mom is in a new Board and Care. We are cutting her liquids in the evening. Not letting her nap during the day. Giving her two OTC sleep aids but she is still not sleeping all night. Her caregivers tell me have had unpleasant results with other residence taking ambien. So I'm reluctant to try ambien. Anyone have in suggestion? My Mom getting a room mate this weekend and I sure her her new roommate is not going to appreciate my Mom screaming in the middle of the night..

docjgirl Aug 2011
BTW.... vistiril is for anexioty. We tried ativan for my mom....It made her CRAZY. so i DONT suggest that. I take vistril 50 mg for anexioty attacks. It doesn't zombie you out like ativan, zanax, or valium. I function just fine.

docjgirl Aug 2011
My aunt was took off of ambien. I hear it is NOT good.

However, i care for my mom. She used to only take restoril at bedtime. Since she has had alzheimers real bad she would not NEVER go to sleep with just the sleeping pill. So the doctor has given her serroquel (not serroquel XR). It does help her to go to sleep at night and sleep through the night. She gets up 4 hours after taking the bedtime meds to go potty, but goes right back to bed with no problems. I monitor my mom closely though. The doctor prescribed 100 mg at bedtime. I found it was a little much. I only give 50 mg at bedtime....UNLESS she is real aggitated at bedtime. I think the seroquel may cause some minor mental issues, but before the issues were VERY bad. Now only minor. Otherwise, you could try vistiril, trazadone, or others. I hope something helps her. Bless her heart.


jeannegibbs Aug 2011
What does she want from the caregiver? Does she need to go to the bathroom? Is she thirsty? Fightened?

I find that Tynelol PM helps with staying asleep. Her doctor should be consulted. OTC sleep aids don't always work the same for the elderly as for younger people.

Good luck!

ldepeso Aug 2011
Maybe I used the wrong word when I wrote that my Mom is "screaming" in the middle of the night. She is not "screaming" out of fear, she is calling her caregiver very loudly. She does not have trouble going to sleep. She has been in the new board and care for less than a month. Prior to this, she was living with my Sister. She slept in the same room as my sister. My Sister tells me that Mom usually slept all night. I feel like it maybe some of anxiety. Her caregivers told me that on occasion Mom has removed her clothing during the night, Something she has never done before.

jeannegibbs Aug 2011
She screams in the middle of the night? Is she having nightmares? Waking up screaming in the middle of the night doesn't sound like run-of-the-mill insomnia. Is there a consistent pattern to this? Can she describe her dreams? Does she flail about, moving her arms and legs in her sleep?

Does she have trouble going to sleep, staying asleep, or both?

tigerlily Aug 2011
My mom's Dr. does not want mom to take ambien because he said he is afraid it will make her memory even worse than it already is, so I would try not to give her that either.
My mom takes to Tylenol PM in the evening along with her medication for Restless Leg and some nights are better than others.


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