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anonymous40843 Asked September 2011

Does anyone use Meals on Wheels for their family members and are the people who deliver trustworthy in your home?

anonymous40843 Sep 2011
Thanks so much...... Sounds great for us and that's so nice that these folks volunteer to do this.

SelfishSiblings Sep 2011
I started my parents on MOW after her hip surgery. They love it! They do get tired of it sometimes but yes, the food is abundant. They also gear it towards your situation, diabetes, no salt etc... You can stop and start it anytime you want. They get it three days a weeks which leave other days for my Mom to put something together. Cooking does give them purpose so if your senior can still cook, encourage that but MOW gives them a break. I also found that they enjoy the visit from the volunteers that deliever. Go for it!!



Hernan1 Sep 2011
I appreciate your comments. I did check with them, however, I didn't find much help there. I am now providing full time 24/7 care for my mother and I won't have to worry about her meals. Unfortunately she is too picky about her menu, and perhaps, if they brought food she didn't like, she would have tossed it away and gone without eating. At her age of 97 years, she definitely needs someone with her at all times.

jeannegibbs Sep 2011
And they always include dessert -- my mother's favorite part. :)

gingergirl58 Sep 2011
In my experience, the food was good and abundant, and the delivery personnel were great

anonymous40843 Sep 2011
Did you check with your local department of aging? That is where ours originates and the social worker told me that. You might also check with your physcian or the physician of your relative if that is who you need the meals on wheels for.

Hernan1 Sep 2011
I've been looking for that service for a while, however, they didn't provide that service for our area, and I live right in the Los Angeles county (La Crescenta). Is there a another alternate provider I may not be aware of?. Thanks for your help.

anonymous40843 Sep 2011
Thanks. Hope it works out for us too. I'm so glad they will take the food in to her. It gives me peace of mind to know someone will be checking on her while I'm at work.

jeannegibbs Sep 2011
Yes, and Yes. My mother loves it!


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