My mother is 67 years old and currently battling cancer. Her caregiver used her debit card and made 3 withdrawals from 3 different banks within a few miles of each other, all totaling in the amount of $1200.00. She has admitted to this and begged us for mercy. She swears she will pay us back. She works for a home health agency. My mother wants to give her a chance and wait to see if she will pay us back. I on the other hand am having a hard time keeping quiet about this and want to report this to the agency. And of course file a police report. Feedback, opinions, advice greatly appreciated.
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I, like you, had some misgivings and concerns about this person coming back at me for retribution. I brought this to the attention of the police and was advised to have an order of loitering (I believe this is what they called it) placed against her. Since she does not live in the area of my home, she should have no business being in the vicinity. She was given and had to sign an order stating that she would not harrass or bother us in any way. I have to admit, the authorities in my area were very helpful and were just as outraged that this person did what she had done. As a result, I believe that during their interviewing and investigation they really put the fear of God into her. It's been 4 months and I have put the incident behind me. I strongly recommend any person contemplating having a caregiver come into your home to please do some background checks on your own as well as that of the agency. The agency that I employed had a flawless record and they repeatedly asked that I not go to the authorities or to put something negative on their website. I did not follow their requests. In fact, shortly after this incident occurred, I stopped using them altogether. You have much on your plate and so for now perhaps you might need to put this on the back burner. Please do not dismiss it entirely. You might just have uncovered a problem that this woman had and who knows how many other unsuspecting elders could have been hurt by what she did. Sending you blessings...
I am a person of faith too. It is in keeping with our faith to feel empathetic for a person's misfortunes without allowing their illegal and immoral behaviors.
If you feel any repercussions from this women or threatened in this as well. I have a feeling that she has moved on....these people are always looking for the next victim.
Caregivers are trusted in your home with the things that you value most. Your loved one, your home, your property, your pets - everything. To misuse this trust is a shame, and what's more important - a crime! Please do not allow your mom to be taken advantage of. My father was upset with me because after I found out about the missing money, I had her suspended from her position until the final disposition of the theft. Our parents are very vulnerable and trusting. Isn't it enough that their bodies begin to fail them - or their minds... They place their trust in us to help them make good decisions. Please don't fail her too... While I'm sure this person is very sorry for what they "got caught" at doing, restitution is only one form of her giving back. What she did was a crime. Just because you know the offender doesn't make the crime just as awful. In fact, in my opinion it makes it worse. Call the police and definately report this to whatever agency she came from. They usually have to have them bonded and they may be able to help your mom recover some of her money. Good luck and blessing to you.
So sad that you have to deal with this too!
Before, I started taking care of my own mother, I worked for years in home health thru an agency. I had to have background checks, clearances the whole nine yards. To prove I was an honest person. I would report this A.S.A.P. to the agency and tell them you are going to contact police. If she has done this with your mother how do you know she hasn't got away with it before with another patient? Right is right and wrong is wrong. The agency needs to know. Things like this is what gives home health agencies bad names. Its not the agencies fault if this thief passed all there checks and is now stealing. But if they know then maybe they can change some flaws on their end. If I worked for this agency and found this out, I would report it with or without your consent, honestly. I would not allow one bad apple in the bunch tear down my reputation as an honest caregiver.
She might say she will pay it back, but what if she up and quits? then what? Cause the longer you wait to report it the question will be asked why did you wait so long??? Follow your gut and report it. Remember the agency works for you!!!!
Some of us are such good honest souls that we can't imagine someone stealing from us, or doing this intentionally. But there are just alot of dishonest people out there and they take advantage of the elderly and the sick.
Do whomever she may work for in the future a favor and report this.