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georgia4553 Asked November 2011

What is the best type of nanny camera to install for my mother-in-laws care?

Mom_in_law is in assisted living apt since aug 2010. My husband is POA and successor trustee for all mom's finaces. His estranged sister is g
"guardian." Mom-in-law is currently hospitalized with SECOND back fracture in 6 months. We would like a nanny cam installed in mom-in-laws apt to see what is really happening ther with sis. Mom has alzheimers at sesvere stage. We do NOT trust sis-in-law. What is the best cam to use and how do we go about doing this???

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Nov 2011
The newer nanny cams have smaller cameras - obviously for your purpose, the smaller the camera the better. You'd likely want something that records, as well. I don't know which brand is best, so I'm hoping some others on the site may have recommendations. Anyone know about these?

csaw Nov 2011
My husband installed one in our living room, where his mom spends most of the day. He can access it from his smart phone and check on her from anywhere we have phone service. I'm not sure of the brand but I know there are several that have that feature.


coach Nov 2011
Maybe Mom should no longer be in an Assisted Living Facility. Maybe it is time to consider a Nursing Home were she would be more closely monitored. You also need to find out if she has osteoporosis and if so how serious has it become. It could be that she is experiencing sympathetic fractures. If this is true, turning around could cause a fracture. I would discuss this with your Doctor before purchasing a camera, so you don't waste your money.

yellowfeever Nov 2011
I agree with Coach. If your MIL is at severe stage Alz. then assisted living is know longer appropriate for her. As Alz/Dementia progresses sufferers will begin to have falls and other related injuries. And if osteoporosis is a factor then it increases injury rate. Speak with doctors. Placing her in a personal care home/nursing home would help alleviate both issues at hand. She would recieve care 24/7 from a staff and then your SIL would not be able to have that "alone" time with mom. Hence, the reason you want a nanny cam.
As far as a nanny cam. Look on the internet. There are alot of ones that are very discret and look like everyday household things. One would never think there would be a camera inside. If your not able to view via phone or computer daily, then make sure it has a recording device built in.

DannyiWatchLife Nov 2011
Hi Everyone,

I work in the video monitoring industry and the first thing you want to consider here is the legality of putting a nanny-cam in somebody else's house. Doing so might make the footage inadmissible in court but the laws vary by state so I would check with a lawyer.

The other consideration here is that you will need to do something that is discreet and records to some sort of on-camera memory stick, otherwise you'll have to connect to the wifi network and doing so without the guardian knowing will be hard.

I'd recommend finding a "spy store" or security store in your area and asking what they have.


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