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anonymous101100 Asked December 2011

Are Lift Chairs covered by Medicare?

Moms at the point that no one will help me with her in fear of hurting their backs now, I have a hard time but can do it. I decided to look into a Lift Chair for her. As I typed it into a web search "lift chairs covered my medicare" popped up. Does any one know if medicare (not medicaid) covers them, or part of them? I need to make the purchase by 12/31 (tomorrow) .
Thank you in advance.

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Dec 2011
Medicare changes what it covers often enough that you definitely need to check. They may cover a small part of the cost if a doctor "prescribes" one, but that could be a tricky call. All the same, it doesn't hurt to check. Maybe they will cover something.
Good luck,

Takingcareofam Dec 2011
From my own experience, and from what I have heard, it is wise to contact Medicare first. I think Medicare will only cover a small portion of the cost. Again, this is from my own experience. I had a few chair firms out here giving me prices, and they actually told me that Medicare won't cover them. My suggestion is this, check your state Area on Aging, or Aging benefits. You may get help from them. Of course, it all depends on the income of the patient. I am currently going through my state Aging program for help. Good luck and let me know how you make out. : ) Kath


anonymous101100 Dec 2011
Thank you both, I will keep in touch.


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