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cupcakezel Asked January 2012

I need a transfer bench for my bathing at home, and my finances are really bad after paying my monthly bills. What other options do I have?

I was diagnoised withmultiple sclerosis nine fears ago and my physical told me I would need a trancfer bench

mb Jan 2012
a transfer bench straddles the edge of the tub. Bench legs are part in the tub and part on the outside of the tub. A shower bench sits inside the tub only, some have backs and some don't. I would recommend the ones with backs only.

lizard41 Jan 2012
What is the difference between a shower bench and a transfer chair? My moms hangs over the side of the tub. Is that what u mean?


mb Jan 2012
There is a site called and they have everything! I got my mom's shower bench from this site and it was like new. I'm sure if you request it from a number of different freecycle sites you will get one. Best wishes,,

exnewport Jan 2012
You must be very frustrated...ask a local nursing home, or a hospital that cares for burn patients..they all have transfer chairs...or, a local church can put your request in their church bulletin. Hang in there....

geewiz Jan 2012
Many of the organizations associated with specific illnesses have equipment exchanges or loaner closets. My friend had ALS and she was able to use a scooter for almost a year while she went through the process of getting her own mechanized chair. She then donated her equipment that she was no longer able to use. The MS association may have the same thing or you can contact any of the organizations, they want to help everyone.

Local thrift stores may be in receipt of certain items. Anything that has been used can be sanitized with bleach and cleaning agents.

Exchange websites such as free cycle may have items you need. OR you might post an item on a bulletin board in your house of worship seeking such items. Those of us who have these items are looking to get rid of them (Sorry, I don't have a transfer chair). Good luck

Eddie Jan 2012

Some years ago I needed one. Went to my primary care physician and begged. Got it.


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