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prissypricilla Asked February 2012

My mother has a bladder infection, how do I address this?

My mother is 92. She has a bladder infection and has been out of her mind. I didn't realize that was a problem for older people. I wanted to know how long it will take for her to be normal again or if she ever will be? This has been a very difficult experience and I wondered if anyone out there had any advice about her care. She isn't sick enough for medicard to pay for nursing home and I had to take vacation to watch her.

Jinx4740 Sep 2013
Anali, If you read this entire thread, you will get some answers, as well as links to two articles on the subject.

Do you think they keep her clean enough in the NH?

Anali13 Sep 2013
My mother just turned 99. She had a bladder infection back in May, she lost her balance, felt down and broke her right arm. She went from the hospital to a nursing facility. She's been there recovering from her UTI and her broken arm. Just when I was getting ready to bring her home, she developed another UTI and has been out of her mind for 10 days. I didn't realize that was a problem for older people. I wanted to know how long it will take for her to be normal again or if she ever will be? I've never seen her like that before, she hallucinates and talks to people that she claims are in her room. This has been a very difficult experience and I wondered if anyone out there had any advice about how to ask the right questions and what to expect from the nursing facility? Thanks, Anali


Here4her Sep 2012
What is AZO andTMP-SMZ?

JessieBelle Sep 2012
AZO is the name of a over-the-counter drug used for irritable bladder. TMP-SMZ is trimethoprin sulfamethoxazole. It is a common antibiotic used to treat things like urinary and respiratory infections. It can be sold as generic or in name brand forms like Bactrim or Septra.

Here4her Sep 2012
What is AZO andTMP-SMZ?

JessieBelle Sep 2012
My mother had a minor bladder infection at the start of the summer after she started taking Aricept. It was a crazy couple of weeks. She had to go to the bathroom so often, and it drove her crazy. She began to act almost psychotic. We discontinued the Aricept and started antibiotic treatment. The doctor put her on Microbid at first, but after the culture came back in, we switched to TMP-SMZ. It took one week for the infection to clear and 2 weeks before she returned to normalcy. She still complains the infection is with her, but I don't see any symptoms.

We tried Standard AZO when she was at her worst. It did help to calm her bladder some. It should only be used a couple of days. I am not going to recommend this drug for others, but only to mention that my mother used it with good results and no bad side effects. It does make the urine red and can stain if not used with care.

anonymous144448 Sep 2012
If I may scoot in here.... my 74 year old MIL is apparently significantly incontinent and uses urinary pads. Could those contribute to UTI's? She also has poorly controlled type II diabetes and has been acting stranger than usual. Apparently she is depending on the poise pads.

Here4her Sep 2012
Just found this thread. So is orange juice BAD for UTI? That's what mom wants most. She also drinks Cranberry juice. But does OJ hurt?
I'm trying to get her over a bad one right now. Anyone know?

medlaw2 May 2012
her Dr. Thought Hospice would be good for my mom to help me out. My mom is really no problem. When Hospicemcame to my house they told me that Hospice is not what people think it is. it's to help with comfort care. MY mom Really needs no comfort because she is very comfortable. I feed her constantly, she is bathed, cleaned and changed clothes. She is well taken care of. I watch her like a hawk 24/7. She is never alone. But this hospice still has the idea that they are there because she is dying. In a real sense we are all dying. Not every 92 yr old needs hospice. By them being here gives me the sense they are just waiting for her to die. Theyngive no encouragement to her, like telling her she is doing good, she looks good, they are there to keep her well. Nothing.... So the drs order to bring them in to "help" me was wrong. the nurse wants or is waiting for her to die. Like I said before all the vitals she takes are very low, yet the vitals I take are all NORMAL. I just don't want people around who look for death. She wanted to give my mom antibiotics because my mom was confused 1 day without taking a urine culture. I am in the medical profession since 1972. This hospice is aware of and cannot make decisions by themselves.

jeannegibbs May 2012
I'm confused. It sounds like you don't think she is sick, let alone dying, so I don't understand why you brought in hospice. And it sounds like you want hospice findings to be such that she would be disqualified for hospice. I probably am just missing a few details. What is it you want input about?

medlaw2 May 2012
My mother is 92 soon tomb 93. After many TIA's she has not been able to alk and hernswaloowingmis poor. She alot even after I puree all her food. At night when she lies down I hear a terrible gurgling in her throat or upper bronchi. the fluid is not in her lungs Thank God. When she gets up she tries her best to get the phlemg up and most of them rime she does but really works at it.I give her kids mucinex justvto thin it out to make it easier for her when she struggles to cough it out. It does help though. It's just that it sounds so bad at might when she lies down. I did hire hospice just to keep an eye on her vitals and her wish is to die at home not in a hospital so I will always honor her wishes. Hospice nurse tells me to put this fell on the side of her neck to prevent mucous from forming but I did not because I thought it would dry her saliva causing her to swallow more difficult. I don't always listen to them. Many times the vitals they take on my mom where way too low compared to mine and they retook them and they came closer to mine. She does a lower nu,ber each time. My mom is a tough woman and maybe she'll live to a 100 but the way they evaluate her each week they make her look sick and she is not. Her BMI is 20 she is only 4'7 " a veryetite lady who weighs only 92 lbs. I figured her BMI was within a normal range but for Medicare hospice requires 22 BMI to be normal. They have her abnormal and failure to thrive. Which I don't believe. Any hospice nurses out there that agree with me?

oldcodger2 Feb 2012
Another thought: Dehydration can also wreak havoc with our brains. Dehydration can cause confusion that can mimic dementia. So, push the fluids. It is so very important. I offer green tea, cranberry juice, water with a slice of lemon. Avoid orange juice - very bad if you have a tendency towards UTI's. Watch the color of her urine. When it looks like ALE or dark beer - start pushing fluids big time. Her urine should look like 'light beer.' Her nurse used this analogy and it helps me to know when she could be in trouble and we can avert a problem by making sure she drinks plenty of fluids.

oldcodger2 Feb 2012
MY MIL is diabetic and incontinent. Both issues predispose one to UTI's. Of course we PUSH water and fluids, but when older ones are incontinent they equate water in with WATER OUT and they don't want to run to the toilet - sooooo - you know the routine.

My MIL now uses the cleansing pads (baby wipes) and is VERY careful wiping. I have also added 300 mg of Cranberry fruit extract AM and PM for the last year and a half. Her doctor is all for it. And she has not had a bladder infection since then. My MIL also drinks cranberry juice - but she waters it down 50/50 with water. It helps the water go down :0) THE ABSOLUTE BEST THING is flushing your system with water - copious amounts - they recommend 1 oz for every pound of body weight - and I know most of us don't drink nearly that much.

But, she swears by the cranberry fruit extract and I can't help but feel that it is the reason for her urinary tract health today. I hope your mom is better - those infections can be 'maddening.'

AgingCareCM Feb 2012

You are not alone here. Many caregivers experience this while caring for their elderly loved ones. I have attached two articles that can provide great insight while dealing with this problem. Also, read the members comments below (and feel free to comment). You will find many other caregivers similar stories.

Urinary Tract Infections in the Elderly


Incontinence and Bladder Control

Hope this helps.
Karie H.

JaneB Feb 2012
I didn't know about how easy it was for the elderly to get UTIs NOR what it would do to their cognition. From my experience with my Dad, the cognition starts to come back after a few days on the antibiotics. When we was hospitalized, it took weeks beyond the antibiotics for the delusions and confusion to abate; that's due to a phenomenon that many elderly experience, referred to as "hospital-induced dementia." Apparently, every infection diminishes them a little more, when they reach the frail elderly point. And that's when you notice that they are less able to compensate for the dementia they have already been experiencing. So, while we notice it more, that doesn't mean it is actually getting worse. Not very comforting, in a way, I know. Good luck!

rko Feb 2012
Bladder and UTI's are a common issue with the elderly. My 93 mother-in-law has had a Foley catheter for the past couple of years. It's a blessing that she doesn't have to sit in a wet diaper. But even with routine catheter care, she is very suceptible to UTI's. She also suffers from some dementia and each infection seems to take a little more away. If it's possible, monitor the color of her urine for any indication that an infection may be starting. Make sure she's hydrated and is passing her urine freely. Cleanliness also plays a part too. in addition to the other suggestions, make sure she is as clean and dry as possible. I would also speak to her doctor and ask him for any additional suggestions.

Carol72156 Feb 2012
My mother just got over a UTI. Once she's on the antibiotics, she's less crazy the next day and after a couple more days Mom is back to her "normal" dementia.

Baumgark Feb 2012
I am sure they did a culture, if not they need to. Unfortunately this is not an uncommon problem as geriatric patients do not empty their bladder properly leaving residual urine in the bladder. Is your mother diabetic, if so monitor her blood sugar as this can affect urinary tract infections. Is she incontinent, if not watch for dark, clouded urine. Often if you can catch it early, you may prevent her from feeling so bad. Lots, of fluids, she may also be dehydrated which magnifies the problem. Hope this helps, good luck!


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