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amyrka Asked March 2012

Where can I look for respite care for both of my elder parents?

I am the only care giver, and I need to find someone to stay with them for 2 nights in April. I am not sure where to look.

anonymous95109 Mar 2012
It is very expensive to have someone come into the house and stay full time for two days. If you go to your local Area on Aging office, you can find a resource book that gives you a list of places that offer respite care. That means your parents go there for the 2 days in April. We recently put my dad in respite care for 3 days. The cost was $175.00 for 24 hours. It would have been much more to have an in home caregiver for that same 24 hours. Plus they have nurses on staff and the facility has other people that they can interact with. My dad didn't interact much, but he would not have with an in home care giver either. The problem, sometimes, with an in home caregiver is they don't always come threw. Someone gets sick and can't make it. You don't know the person and they don't have a relationship with your parents. It's like hiring an unknown babysitter.

Sometimes your local Area on Aging doesn't necessarily go by that name, so you may have a hard time identifying them. Call your local state office for social services and ask them who you contact.

I hope this helps. Good luck and I hope you have a couple of good days in April.

anonymous97903 Mar 2012
My best resource has been the Care Coordinator for my dad's medical group. She sent me a book on Senior Services for my county. I have used Home Instead & would highly recommend them. The caregivers have a criminal background check, are licensed & bonded & have had training.


AgingCareCM Mar 2012

Here are a few links that might help you find the respite care you need soon. Hope you are able to find someone!

Finding Care for Your Loved One While You’re on Vacation

Where to Find Respite Resources for Caregivers

Best of Luck :)
Karie H. Team


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