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balchand Asked April 2012

My aunt got a pain on her breast due to the lot of coughing. What is the pain from?

she is a double valve replacement patient so, we are so much worried about her pain so please tell me the reason

anonymous95109 Apr 2012
How could any of us answer your question with any authority or certainty. Take her to the doctor and get the necessary tests to determine what her medical problems are. I'm sorry your Auntie is feeling pain and I understand your concern, but she needs medical attention to decide if she is ill or having a reaction to coughing.

Maybe if you gave more information about your Auntie's health issues we could better understand the problems you all face, but in the end, my guess would be taking her to the doc is your best recourse.

Is there a reason why you haven't taken her to her doctor?


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