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thebigguy1 Asked May 2012

How do I address and elderly parent not eating?

My mother recently has slowed down her eating, and today she told me that God was taking his time with her, but she is ready to go now. My mother is 81, and in relatively good health as she is not infirmed, and recently at her doctors visit everything seems to be in order though she has lost a few pounds (5' 3", 114 pounds). She is still mobile, albeit slowly and I assist her in her walking at times.

I guess I am more worried than anything else, and I thought it was her meds at one point, but this just recently started to occur. Can it be behavioral or ?

I simply do not know....

AgingCareCM May 2012

I am sorry to hear that your mother has recently slowed down her eating. Unfortunately, this is a common problem in elders for many different physical and emotional reasons.

This seems to be more of an emotional issue since she said she is ready to "go." Since you know your mother best I have attached an article that might help you figure out some reasons why your mother is having trouble eating.

Ten Reasons Why Your Aging Parent May Not Be Eating Properly

Also, Five Tips for Avoiding Mealtime Misery might give you some creative ides on how to get your mother to eat.

Good Luck :) Let us know how she is doing.


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