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mbourne144 Asked May 2012

How do you protect them from themselves?

My husband who is in the 5-6 stage of Alzheimers is determined to do things that can hurt him. He is fixated on things like lawnmowers, weedeaters and electric saws. He also has COPD and in on oxygen most of the time. He is able to get out of house and is constantly trying to operate the equipment he used when he was well. He gets so angry when I try to stop him. Yes, I've tried to divert his attention to something else and it does not work. I am so stressed all the time. I know this is not good for me and I fear for my health as well. He is 83 and I am 72. Any advise would be appreciated.

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF May 2012
Please talk with your husband's doctor about this. It may be time for him to move to a locked facility. You are right to fear for your own health. There's only so much you can do, and it seems like you've done it all.
For your husband's safety and for your own health, you need some outside help. He doesn't understand why he can't do what he wants, but a good nursing home would have diversions for him that are safe. His doctor should be able to help you make a decision. Take care,

IsntEasy May 2012
Have someone come and remove all the dangerous tools. Tell your husband they've been stolen or tell him the truth, whichever you think will be best received. The fact is that people with dementia need to be protected in the same way that children do. Ask yourself if you'd allow a 5 year old to have his own way in a similar situation. If the answer is no, then do what's right. You are the rational grown-up. It's very hard to adjust to a new reality and a new relationship when a spouse is no longer able to make rational decisions. But, to maintain your own health and safety and to protect him, you must take over the decision making. Things will get better.


UpAgainst1Wall May 2012
My dad isn't that far gone, but he was out and about doing all kinds of things by himself in the garage with all those dangerous things. Even though he didn't have a mishap, I knew he shouldn't be alone. He thought and still thinks he should be at home. It was the hardest decision I think I ever made, doing a Baker Act on him, in order to get him to the right place. The police came, they got an ambulance and now he is in a nursing home. (lots in between). He hated me at the time for it because I told him I was going to call social services, but now he has totally forgotten how he got into the nursing home. He still talks about going home every time I see him.

He has dementia and can't remember 5 minutes. Asks questions over and over.

Anyway, that's what I did. I know its your husband and that's different, but when it comes to your safety and his, its so important to get outside help. I knew I couldn't look after him 24/7, even though it may have been insinuated from others to do so. Only you know what you can handle and it looks like you have done all you can. I know its hard when they get angry, because that's your loved one and you don't want them to be mad, but he will forget. I didn't really believe that, but its true. I know there is guilt, but try to look beyond that. You are doing the best you can. If you get him in a home, there will still be issues, but at least you might get some peace. I hope things resolve quick for you. I understand!


jeannegibbs May 2012
Removing the dangerous items would be less drastic than removing your husband to a nursing home. If there are some things you'll need, like the lawnmower, perhaps a neighbor would let you store them at their property. Or hire a lawn care service. Or buy a lockable shed.

If the main problem right now is the dangerous power tools and equipment, and if you want him to remain at home and other things are going well, give removing the items a try.

On the other hand, dementia often (usually?) progresses to the point where it just is not feasible for one person to care for the individual at home. Perhaps your husband is reaching that point. As Carol said, discuss this with his doctor. Placement in a suitable long term care facility may be best for all concerned.

My heart goes out to you.

GrandpaHiker May 2012
Have you considered selling or storing the tools in a rental storage unit? At least until you can move him to a AL facility.


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