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sec0112 Asked May 2012

Dad's divorce is final but ex-wife is in contempt of court. What can be done?

my dad is 77 years old. In Feb. 2010---my sister and her husband were living with Dad and mom. My mom and sister had alienated all of the family. Dad got a medical malpractice settlement and paid off the house. Then mom, sister, and brother-in-law began "draining" the bank accounts. They all 3 were driving luxury cars, clothes, brother-in-law didn't even work. sister and brother-0n-law "sponged" off dad.
All the while, mom, sister, and brother=-in-law were "bullying" dad. at one point brother-in-law said to my dad point blank: "...I own 1/3 rd of this house.". And, after they tried to get Dad committed to an institution, brother-in-law said "I should have killed him when I had the chance.:.
Needless to say, he wasn't committed, but Mom got a "order of protectgion" and dad wasn't allowed to return to him own home--that he had just paid off ($86K) until he signed divorce papers, which was Sept. 12, 2011. Per the divorce, it stipulates Dad's antiques, family heirlooms etc., were to be left in the home. This has not happened. Mom claims the furniture was taken to Kentucky. My sister and brother-in-law live in KY. they say they don't have furtnirue. also, brother=-m-law has my dad's pistol.

My Dad's cancer returned in 2011--he went through 2 rounds of different chemo treatments. For 2011- he was in and out of the hospital so many times b/c the chemo made him very sick and weak.

So--mom, sister, and her husband essentially were:
1. "Bullying" dad.
2. "Start" arguments and Dad would have to leave the house for a couple of days to let things cool off and then he would return.
3. Brother-in-law would "menace" dad--0-he would get in Dad's face--nose to nose--in a very threatening manner.
4. When he was able to bond out of jail-Feb. 2010---when he got to his house-nonone else was there--they had pushed a chair underneath the doorknob of the back door.
5. when he got inside, they had hid his medications.
6. The 3 of them constantly kept things in an uproar in the house.

In summary:
1. what, if anything, can be done to these 3 people?
2. want to hold mom in "contempt of court" b/c she has not coplied with some of the tenets---the items specified in the divorce decree are Not in the house,. several of us family members were parked down the road and saw sister, and brother-in-law loading furniture onto a moving truck. we should have called the sheriff, but dad's attorney advised against it. Well, now mom, nor sister, nor brother=in-law will return any of these specified items.
3. what do you suggest?

he still is just heartbroken! his medical malpractice settlement paid off his house (he built it), mom drained all the money out of their bank accounts--so he had no money when he bonded out of jail, spent that money so fast, and now he has no funiture.

I believe he has a situation that warrants legal assistance.
dad did have an attorney representing him during all of this time, and dad has paid him more than $15K--i am not exagerrating. He's just got to have some help and to kn ow someone is on his side and "fighting" for him! P

anonymous95109 May 2012
Where is your mom living now and does your dad's home go to him in the divorce?


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