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nathan Asked May 2012

What are the possible diseases or problems from not bathing or showering for years?

my 88 year old grandma refuses to take a shower or bath and its been 10 years or more since she has showered. Also, she sleeps in her own urine at times. What can happen?

AgingCareCM May 2012
Check out our Article on bathing and elderly hygiene. My Parent Won’t Shower or Change Clothes. What Should I Do?

dgrey63 May 2012
I am going through the same situation with my farher-in-law. It is a three day nagging, battle to even get him to take a sponge bath and change his clothing.
I am not aware of any type of diseases, but a nurse did tell me, that the skin gets really dry and dirty and that in itself is bad to inhale on a daily basis. The ONLY thing that has worked so far, is a nurse's aid who came by a few times when he came home from the hospital. Now, I am waiting for hospice help.
I do believe the skin in the private areas can get infected and lead to a bacterial infection as well as sores.
Good luck.



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