My brother and his wife are in denial and do not even know there is a problem. Further, mom refuses to go to assisted living or nursing home facility. She has outlived her assets and has no money to hire a nurse or home health aid to attend to her in the event I have to have chemo or radiation treatments. What can I do? Mom can not help herself anymore even with the most basic things like bathing or dressing. I am in total despair.
8 Answers
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Here is what I did. It might be useful to you. First, I got some in-home nurses' aide help (bathing, changing linens, etc) from Medicare. They came 5 days a week. The other two days meant sponge baths. I hired very responsible older teens and asked women friends to help prepare meals and freeze them and to watch everyone when I had appointments. I took advantage of adult day care to the hilt.
It worked out nicely and I am 5 years with NO signs of relapse so am feeling pretty positive. My grandmother has died and we miss her very much but were so grateful that she never saw the inside of a nursing home.Having those who really moved me around actually inspired me to fight to survive and to heal as there were people who loved and needed me. It enhanced by healing. My little Grandma wanted to do stuff for me she couldn't do but she mostly hugged me a lot and held my hand and told me I was pretty even when all of my hair was gone. Mama called me her Baby Girl and tried to hold me in her lap. This is what a family does. I am so lucky!!!!!!!
I had breast cancer several years ago, surgery, chemo, adjuvent therapy for 5yrs.
Try to take a breath, don't panic. Breast cancer is treatable, breast cancer is curable.
For you. Learn what stage of cancer you have. ask lots of questions, get on the internet, the Susan G. Komen site is pretty darn good. In my town we had the Sarah Cannon center...... Lance Armstrong Livestrong website has some local hospital let me use their gym for free during the treatment and for a couple of months after treatment.
The treatment for BC is SO MUCH better and effective than it was just 7 years ago.
What your treatment will be will make the decision for you.], you have options. Unless the doctor says you need to start treatment this week, you have a couple of weeks to think.................
There is LOTS of support for BC people. Meals on Wheels, transportation, free wigs and hats, and much more. In my town it was the Sarah Cannon center.
I once knew a lady who worked full time all the way thru her treatment for BC.
Me, I was OK, I was able to take care of myself, drive myself to treatment, etc., but I was sore and tired. Very tired. I lost weight (which was great, chemo is an excellent diet drug), but I had to make sure I didn't lose too much weight........I babysat my toddler grandson, but my daughter also helped me drive sometimes, kinda' kept an eye on me, and I had wonderful friends who were always around. I also lost a good friend - he just could not handle the cancer, he got spooked. .....
Everyone handles it differently, no way to tell how your body will react to the treatment until you start. But try not to panic, really. It is going to be OK.
Your family may be in denial because they are afraid of being overwhelmed with the caregiving, or just plain scared of everything. Or, they may just be unwilling to help, I don't know. I have found that most people are good, but when something big comes along, like caregiving, like cancer, they don't handle it well.........
Generally speaking, you must focus on your BC. If that means that she goes into a facility, that is what you must reduce your stress level, no matter what it takes - stress affects your response to treatment. So, get rid of the stress. Just stand up and say to family and friends, "Get this off of me". "This causes me great stress, take care of this and make the stress go away" "I can't do this anymore"............. "Make this stop"...........Really, do this. I did, and mostly, it worked.................
Think of it this way, and please don't take it the wrong way: If you die, there may be noone else to look out for her, so, if you have to do this even temporarily, you are doing was is would make arrangements for your minor children, wouldn't you?
1 more thing. If you possibly can, find some counseling, or at least a support group to help you during the treatment. You will have questions, you will have feelings, you will need to vent, and sometimes it is best to do that away from family. My oncologist had an in-house counselor who was wonderful. I did my support group over the internet (I am quite shy). But is was so comforting to have people to talk to.
Hang in there, you can do this.
I will keep you in my prayers with regards to your pending diagnosis.
Start with the financial end. I'd call Social Services and ask for a needs assessment. When they send someone out, explain the entire situation. No doubt they will have Mom apply for Mediciad and perhaps a program such as Elderly Waiver. This will be a good start whether you need extra help while you are dealing with your own health issues or not. Perhaps Mom will qualify for some in-home care, such as a bath aide. And if she has to go to a care facility, either temporarily or permanently, the fiancial aid process will already be underway.
Don't wait to see about your health needs ... get this process rolling today!
And best of luck to you!