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mimosalane Asked August 2012

What are bezoars?

I got some carafate from my doctor. I could not describe my irritable stomach. I remember getting hairs in my mouth when cleaning around her house & especially in the kitchen. I let her attempt cooking but it gets very messy. I am not sure what I ate at times because I was so hungry. ( My mom 87yrs+9mths is a victim of severe glaucoma.) She does not see the food left behind in cups and on plates when she puts them back in the cabinet.

mimosalane Aug 2012
I obviously have been made aware of the problem now. I hope I got rid of one & do not want it to come back. I also have to watch my mother and get her checked too.

JessieBelle Aug 2012
I have to ask why your wondered what they were.


JessieBelle Aug 2012
Bezoars are indigestible materials that can block the intestine if bad enough. They are dreaded things in cats and rabbits that sometimes get hairballs that block the intestine -- one of the best known types of bezoar.


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