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Tweeze Asked September 2012

Can an elder collect VA Aid and Attendance benefit and Medicaid at the same time?

If yes, are there any modifications made to any of the amounts? My mother is currently collecting Aid + Attendance, and has now spent down all of her assets. What process should I follow to request medicaid?

moonchild Sep 2012
whispypixie, i read somewhere else in here that it's a long process. it might be worthwhile to get started sooner rather than later.

whispypixie Sep 2012
I was told that you can qualify for both, but we have not completed the aid & attendance process yet, still waiting for confirmation of approval and funding. So we haven't crossed the bridge of medicaid yet. It certainly doesn't hurt to look into it, that is for sure.


moonchild Sep 2012
carmentma, please check the site that we are mentioning, this is what i read on one of the pages:

""Housebound Pension

For those who wish to remain in either their own home or the home of a family member, you can apply for the Housebound level of the Improved Pension.

A Physician's Statement is also required for the Housebound level. The VA will automatically consider this level if the claimant does not fully qualify for Aid and Attendance.

The criteria for Housebound requires that the claimant needs regular assistance, but is not as limited as those who would qualify for Aid and Attendance.

Care can be provided by family members or outside Caregiver's agencies. Families need to be reimbursed for the care and services they are providing just as you would an outside agency.

It is recommended that you survey the costs of these services in your area to determine what a fair amount to charge would be.""

moonchild Sep 2012
if you type "VA Aid and Attendance benefit" into yahoo search, an org named veteranaid will show up. go to that page and find the information you need.

jennhchapman Sep 2012
I think aid and attendance usually puts one's income to high to be eligible for medicaid

moonchild Sep 2012
Please get in touch with your local VA administration. Or perhaps one of the service officers at the DAV if the Veteran in question is service connected for disability.

In my case I am the veteran with 100% connection. My husband, (a civilian), who is disabled and under the age of 65, receives Tri-care through me, and has medicare as well. He is completely covered for all medical services and receives his own social security income.

momsie Sep 2012
I was told "no" by a person from "Transitions". In my case my husband, he's in a nursing home, receives more benefits from Medi-cal than he would from the VA. You can find the Transitions organization on the web. They are very helpful and the website has a qualifications list for Aid and Attendance.

TDCooper Sep 2012
I know that to quality for Aid & Attendance you have to qualify medically (need the assistance of another person to perform activities of daily living i.e. bathing, dressing, etc. AND quality financially (which was approx. $80,000 in assets, EXCLUDING home and cars). Contact your local Veterans Admin. office or your county's VA Service Officer for starters. It's a long process, but is retroactive. You might also want to look at the application form online to see what documentation you'll need.


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