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soulmate7 Asked September 2012

How do I get VA payment for caring for husband at home?

My husband is a Vietnam vet, I am his care giver, he has terminal cancer Neither of us are working, I have a heart condition and many other health issues and he is dying of cancer . We need financial help asap as he can no longer work. SS disability is dragging their feet and we are in dire straits, we need help. Any suggestions are very appreciated.

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Sep 2012
Likely you can get help from the VA, but it's seldom a quick process. Find our your local veteran's representative by calling the nearest VA office. Talk to this person to see if there is a way that your case can be expedited. SS disability can take years to get in place, so I hope that you can get better service from the VA. Call your local social services or Area Agency on Aging to see if there is a way you can get respite care. Also, on your state website, you should be able to find the Nation Family Caregiver Support Program. They may be able to give you some assistance. Good luck,

AgingCareCM Sep 2012
soulmate7 ,

Check out these following articles written by editors and experts on Veterans Assistance. I hope these help you find what you are looking for.

VA Financial Assistance for Caregivers

Veteran Financial Aid for Long-term Care and Home Healthcare

VA Benefits for Veterans and Their Caregivers

Good Luck!



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