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dmock59 Asked September 2012

My 92 yr. old uncle seems to have lost his sense of taste and smell. Should I be concerned?

He also has started mixing all of his food together until it looks like baby food. He says he has problems chewing but chews some foods fine. He is also using more salt and always insists on never leaving anything on his plate, rather he is really hungry or not. He actually says that he never gets hungry.

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Sep 2012
This does sound quite normal, as our sense of taste and smell can become less acute as we age. However, loss of the ability to smell can be a sign of dementia, and smell can be a large part of taste. I'd have a doctor determine whether this is normal aging or something else is going on.
Take care,

JessieBelle Sep 2012
This all sounds very normal, dmock. The taste buds die as people get older, so they often add more salt. The last buds to go are the ones for sweets, so your uncle may still love the taste of candy, cake, and ice cream. It can be a tough world out there for elders with high blood pressure and diabetes. All the food they can taste is bad for them.

Many people your uncle's age have trouble chewing, managing, and swallowing food. Sometimes the teeth are very worn, so things like steak or corn on the cob can be a huge challenge. Foods like cornbread can cause them to choke. Your uncle has found a way he can manage the food best, so I would let him do what he needs to do to make it palatable.



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