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cjainey Asked October 2012

Being falsely accused of elder abuse. If they decide to contact Social Services will my true story be listened to?

I am a certified caregiver (not HHA). I was hired to help a couple. He had some dementia, heart issues, and diabetes. She has severe anxiety and extremely high blood pressure. I have done a wonderful job taking care of this couple. Every week they would tell me how happy they were with my care, and how I saved their life. They do not get along with their children and hired me so they would not have to deal with them. But, one time the wife fell and I did notify the children. She was only bruised. When her one daughter came to see her, she told me her mother's coloring was not good, and she wanted me to make an appointment with her doctor. I had been dealing continually with both parents doctors. We were trying to find the best medication for them. The mother refused to go to the doctor and wanted to wait and see if the new medication would take hold. Some time passed, and before I know it, the daughter makes an appointment with the mother's doctor and takes her to see him. Since she is a bully, and the doctor is very gentle and non confrontational, he told the daughter he would run more tests, and sent them to another specialist. I was then attacked by the daughter. She claimed, she had told me again and again to take her mother to the doctor. She is so mean and such a bully. I had worked so hard and come so far with both of them, I had been proud of my work. I could see that this bully was going to be a problem, and since I had been offered other work, I decided to quit. I knew I would miss the couple, but could see my work would never be appreciated. The daughter verbally attacked and abused me, and I was so frustrated I told her to shut up! I notified another family member that I would be leaving, but would stay until they found a replacement. That day, the mother vomited. I called the doctor's office and was told the doctor would be in the ER, and to take her there. I did this. The mean daughter came to the ER. The mother was admitted to the hospital for tests. The mean daughter told me that elder abuse charges would be filed against me if I did not remove myself from her parents life within a weeks time. I knew I would not get paid for it, but I chose to help the husband, since his dementia was getting bad. Another family member came from out of town to see the mother. She was acting so strange, and I was told about her being an alcoholic. I was sleep deprived and busy getting the husband ready, and she started talking to me. She asked me a lot of questions. She did not know I was going to be leaving. She asked about my qualifications and experience. I have a lot of experience. But, I was so tired, and concerned about the mother that I wasn't thinking clearly and answered that I was a CNA, when actually I was going to take the CNA test before I was hired. I meant to say that I was a certified caregiver. Also, the dementia father had always told everyone I was a nurse, and I would correct him and say that I was a caregiver. After a while, I gave up, and when I thought it wasn't important I wouldn't correct him. The two crazy daughters conspired together and decided I was no good. The alcoholic called me and started screaming and saying I was a liar and fraud. I wasn't a CNA or a nurse, and I was probably stealing too! She went on and on. If they decide to contact Social Services will my true story be listened to? Do I need to be concerned about being arrested? Will I need to get an attorney to defend me?

havemercyGod Nov 2017
Hello everyone I was A housekeeper at a nursing home in Madison Ms. I was accused of saying that I got a baby by a resident son and I supposly said that to her. So I had two days off that week and then I got a call from the Administrator and she said I have to be on suspension until further notice because she said the resident was crying just remember I have been off 2 days and all the sudden I got a call from the administrator and said the lady said she is scared and she said that I was bothering her about her son. I am married and I don't even know her son. they really fired me for that. I wasn't there but 30 days. do I have a case

Shavsha Jun 2017
OMG......I cared for a wonderful man for nearly 3 years. He was vibrant and wonderful until he got ill and was hospitalized. From there he was sent to a rehab/nursing home. The son and only child.....68 years old.....said that he was having heart problems and his wife (a malignant narcissist) was also ill. I told him I would step in and care for him at his home since he wanted to die at home. NONE of us expected that he would live longer than a few weeks he was so so very sick. Within 10 days he was back in the hospital because they took his catheter out and he could not urinate. I called the daughter in law the next day and got blasted for bringing him to the hospital....didn't i know he was DNR? I said, I didn't crack his chest and give him a heart massage, his bladder was filling and he was in agony. They kept him a week. Think either the son or daughter in law came down to FL from AL? nope! And, while we all thought he would "go" soon, he rallied. He did well. He got better. I stayed and cared for him because I knew after the call with the daughter in law, that if i left him to his son's and daughter in law's resources they would slap him into a nursing home and call it a day against his wishes to die at home. I was promised that the son was retiring in a few months if I could just hold on. He then changed his retirement date and left me hanging. Sometimes as much as three months would pass by before the son would come down to relieve me. That's 24 hours a day 7 days a week...for months. Here's the kicker.........i was paid $50 a day........$50!!!! after a year I tried talking to the son.....he said, i gave you a raise......but i'm not looking for that kind of raise, i'm looking to make this all legal....take taxes out, FICA.....ugh...... the son said....I gave you raise.......the raise? 5%.....that's 17.50 a WEEK, I want it to be legal.....he ignored me....3 months a fit of rage....after calling me the most vile names, his wife threatened to give me a 1099.....all because she was upset that the time had come for the son to relieve me......and it was my 60th bday as well as this wonderful old man's 95th bday......she called him and upset him and then the day before his birthday she told him she'd "never see him again" which sent him to bed crying for days.....ugh. Last May I approached the son again.....but because the wife threatened me with a 1099, I did my homework. I thought I was stuck.....but learned what the federal and state law said.....they needed to fix this.....when i approached the son he refused to look at he law.....threw 1k a week at me.....well that's not the i got a lawyer......and an accountant....paid 10k in taxes.....and am suing them for the difference between minimum wage and the 50 bucks a day they were paying me. That all came about because i told the son i wanted mother's day off to spend with my 80 year old mother and hadn't spent that time with her for 2 years......this year made three......the son said no......wait what? no? are you kidding about for 2015 i didn't get one holiday.....2016 i got new years day, christmas and new years eve.....and now i was told not mother's day again? why? because they were going on a cruise and then needed four days rest and then another 7 day vacation. He even sent me 4 months of calendars......all vacations and appts......nowhere on those calendars was his father's name. So.....much to my angst.....I am suing them and I son told the father that I stole from them. WHAT? and that I had done it before? WTH? I am NOT a thief......I am a christian minister who found her calling and now my reputation is being assassinated in this community because the son spread this disgusting lie.......and my mom lives here and has lived here 20 years without a blip on the screen......and now hears that her daughter is a thief.......I am mortified....devastated that my mom is going through this........why....why are people so disgusting.......the end took the son 2 weeks and one day to dump his father in a nursing home and go back to Alabama leaving word that his father is to have no visitors........this is a nightmare.


pamstegma Dec 2016
bsstr7y, if she is on hospice, I doubt that they will do anything. BUT you must know that going to the ER makes hospice services end immediately.

bsstra7y Dec 2016
I can't believe that I had the ambulance get my Mom, who is in the last stage of Alzheimer's, and the nurse falsely accused me of elder abuse and called DFACS on me. I've done nothing but wait on my mother hand and foot, and cater to her every need. I take her to the Dr. without fail every three months. I told them I had just taken her to the Dr. (whom doesn't have rights at that particular hospital). Her own Dr. has always told me I take very good care of her. I got a surprise visit from a DFACS person. She made me feel like I was being interrogated and I was just in shock. She wants to put her in a nursing home and Mom absolutely does not want to go to one. I told the lady that I had to take her out of a nursing home, because when I got her out she couldn't walk for a year because they severely neglected her. I took good care of her and had her walking after a year's worth of physical therapy. I have hospice coming out along with a CNA three times per week. Why am I being falsely accused? I told the investigator I wouldn't have made her go to the hospital if I was neglectful. She started getting bedsores so I nipped it in the bud after treating her with something at the pharmacist's suggestion that didn't work. The next day it got worse; hence I took her to the hospital. Even the hospice nurse told me that her sore happened overnight. She said that it starts underneath the surface of the skin starting out like a purplish bruise and then the next day it erupts. The nurse was refuting my claim by telling me it didn't happen overnight and it did indeed! All my friends who know me tell me not to worry because I take good care of Mom. I just can't quit obsessing about this. What am I suppose to do?

GardenArtist Sep 2016
Maurice, is there a state employee's union that can help you? If not, I'd think seriously about hiring an attorney. An attorney in the practice area of employment law would probably be the most appropriate.

maurice123 Sep 2016
I am a employer for the state of IL and i am on administrative leave because i was wrongfully accused of, ''Abuse Of Elderly''. Now i thought i was in the clear because the guy who made the false statement had Racist in his background. There were no bruises or other proof that it was true. Im just a scared that i might loose my job for something that is not true. Can someone please help me to protect my job?

jCIP36 Aug 2016
trying to take care of DAD
I recently moved in with my dad to assit him in his daily living his wife dosent like it even tho she left 23 yrs ago she has reported that im abruseing my dad bank fraud and not giving meds correct

BarbBrooklyn Mar 2016
Robin, i agree that you should repost as a new question. But I'm curious what kind of "note" mom saw..." reminder, next week get guadianship, accuse mom of ekder abuse"?? Is it possible mom is not a reliable repoter? Can you ask your sister about how things are going?

Eyerishlass Mar 2016
cjainey, this family sounds like a mess. I wouldn't do anything right this minute. Just wait and see if you are notified. Have no contact with anyone in the family for any reason. In the future it might be prudent to work for an agency instead of independently.

Iwentanon and Robi01, if you pose your questions on the front page of the website you're more likely to get the feedback you're looking for. When there is more than 1 question by more than 1 poster on someone else's question things get confusing.

Robi01 Mar 2016
I have a sister that has lived with my Parents for 10 years she and my Mom do not get along at all. My Step Dad had a heart attack last December and needs care he is able to drive now and is doing much better it was a adjustment period with med changes for him and my Mom to get it right for him as she would forget to give him his everyday pills but would remember to check his blood pressure and blood sugar ( ensulin dependent diabetes) my Mom takes care of him all day long and she is a yeller when she gets upset so the neighbors have heard her yelling at him or yelling for him. My Mom is also going through chemo treatments and they are 78 and 76 years old. As long as I can remember they have bickered there is not physical abuse at all. Between my sister and I calling them every day they are now on track taking his meds correctly. My concern is that my sister has stated to me and threatened my Mom with her being abusive to my step-dad. As of last week when my Mom was putting something in my sister's room she saw a note on her bed stating she needed to remember to go to court for paperwork for Health care doc's to make her in charge of him and accusing my Mom of Elder Abuse. What are my Mom's rights in this situation. Thank you in advance. Concerned daughter.

Iwentanon Feb 2013
I was falsely accused of senior abuse, but in the end vindicated.
A report of senior abuse was filed against the family for me providing her food medicine and care giving for 5 years including removing the mother from a sexual pervert, with no compensation.
They counter filed by saying that I abused their mother, had me move out, incurred 800.00 a month rent, she incurred the draining of her bank account for ten months before reuniting us by court appointment. Go figure,
I am trying to find out, how to go about being compensated for my time and work, any body know????


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