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BarbBrooklyn Asked October 2012

Can a health insurance company cancel my MIL's health insurance?

My mother in law, who is 81, recently had open heart surgery and is in rehab. One of her children recently received notification that her health care policy (her primary insurer, through her late husband's employement) had been cancelled. Is this legal? What is the recourse?

ssll66 Oct 2012
My mom's had the same health care provider for decades. She received notification that she was out of area and she would be dropped. She has two homes, the second is in area, we called, they said fine she could use that address, if it were her primary address,so wouldn't be dropped. Now she's terrified that something else will come up....she's 90 and except for age related problems, broken leg, healed, she's able to do most herself, only takes coumadin, does not live alone. Question? could they cancel her for this or something else?

Kitty Oct 2012
Yes, at this time until 2014, insurance companies can still drop coverage for adults for illness or insurance lifetime caps.

What was the reason given for them canceling it? Were the premiums being maintained through the late husband's previous employer or did they change who was handling the retirement plan which may have caused a mistake in paying the premiums?

Medicare is not always primary when there is an other insurance.


hessaw Oct 2012
why is medicare NOT primary? have premiums been paid? recourse is State Insurance office.


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