Where can I get a hearing aid for my mom that doesn't cost that much or is free?
Mom has Meneires Disease and is loosing her hearing in her good ear. She can't afford 500.00 to 1000.00 that is what they range in price She lives with us and is in a very tight income
Try contacting The Starkey Corp. They have a program for low income persons. They also have a foundation that provides hearing aids free of charge if one qualifies. They make the best quality hearing aids available and are longer lasting than some on the market.
My mom has been deaf in one ear most of her life (an accident when she was a kid) and has maybe 50% left in her good ear now and there is no way she can afford hearing aids either or more specifically the "professional" fitting/adjusting of aids. She gets some added speech therapy (aphasia from a stroke) at a nearby university that has an audiology department as well I've come to find out. They do testing and hearing aid fittings free of charge the way they do speech therapy as part of their Grad program so you are working with students but students being overseen by professors who are professionals from the community as well. There is always a professor there. Anyway I'm trying to get my mom in for testing and then hoping they can help me decide and pick out a unit I can get on Amazon (they have both "amplifiers" and aids, you just have t9 sign something saying you will go to a professional to have it set or something) or one of the other places they are available on line. You aren't necessarily getting the newest and fanciest but it's my understanding that the major expense of hearing aids is the professional fitting and setting them who also sell them. They have had this hold on the market because hearing aids have been required by law to sell only through audiologists but there has been a movement to change that and these are some of the work around's that are more widely accepted now that the rules are about to change. Try looking at speech and language or auditory college programs near by and see if they work with the community at all.
Most private insurances don't pay for hearing aids and either does Medicare. My husband is one of the lucky ones cause BC/BS under his Union contract pays for a new one every 3 years. Call your state Dept of the deaf. See if they have a program for low income Seniors. Be aware though, I have found that the elderly have problems using hearing aides. The small wheels are hard for them to use. Everything is now digital. With my husband, with his type of hearing loss, digital doesn't work well. My Moms hearing aides had a little tube, instead of a mold, that went into her ear. She didn't like it but never used the aids after a mold was put on because she Couldn't get them in. She damaged one pulling it out the wrong way. I think the mold was too tight but she didn't realize it could have been shaved down. Just telling you this because I don't want you being surprised when she ends up not wearing them.
What type of income does your mother have and what type of insurance. Mom receives SSI and qualified for Medicaid. Ear doctor referred her to a hearing center for testing and Medicaid paid for hearing aide. I go to hearing center once a month near her GP to pick up batteries which they bill Medicaid. If not, that's an additional $12.00 a month. Private Insurance should also cover. Check with her insurance carrier and policy or call ahead to verify coverage.
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