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Shamir Asked November 2012

Best iPod or Android MP3 player for elderly?

Please make some suggestions for an easy to use MP3 music player device for an elderly person. I want my Mom to have one, and some nice comfortable headphones so she can hear well....something easy to see, easy to touch and simple to navigate for somebody that is not tech savvy at all. I was thinking of the Galaxy Note with the 10" screen, but my son says iPad tablet...what do you all think? Thanks!

Shamir Nov 2012
LOL! She has no clue I am thinking of this! If she did, she'd be like "No, I don't need that!" But I got her a set of headphones last year for her TV so she could hear her old movies, so I thought hearing her old music from her time would be great!

sjsimmons Nov 2012
Its a spunky geriatric willing to take on technology. I'm no expert on the best but I'd prob go with the iPad too. Mostly I'm just impressed that your Mom will give it a try.



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