She is 89 yo. She has dementia and is in a Nh.She can feed herself and dress herself. She doesn't like anything. Especially she doesn't like anything I give her. Her room is very small and some of the residents steal her stuff. She doesn't like knick knacks. She can't use gift cards. She doesn't like my cooking or my baking. I thought of making her some choc chip cookies, but I know she wouldn't like them. She won't read magazines or do puzzles and no books either. She won't wear the clothes I buy for her. Candy or cashews are out b/c of her teeth situation. Nothing for her room would be right. She can't write letters so stationery is out. Jewelry is out she has tons of it that she never wears. I thought of some nice soap until I cleaned out her house and saw all the nice soap I used to give her, still sitting in the cabinet. So I am at a loss. No matter what I buy her or make for her or give her it is wrong. In fact, I am wrong, wrong, wrong. Please help me.
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PS warm fuzzy blankets are nice too, the touch they love
Please don't despair Brandywine, - sometimes the only gift you can give is love.
That's where I used to take my mother when she least expected it. I'd put a corsage on her wrist, open the door, pull the chair, and let her order whatever she wanted. (Last time we "dated" she wanted the waiter. I was mortified, but hid it well.)
Make it special. Give her a precious memory.
If she owns something that she really likes but it is wearing out, getting her an exact duplicate (if that is possible) might work. Otherwise, I think I'd skip it.
Instead, what about bringing treats in for the NH staff? Fulfill your own need to do gifting that way.