My husband has the end stages of emphysemia, he has lost a considerable amount of weight over 50lbs in the past year.,20lbs in 2 mo oxygen 24/7 at 4liters , fell a week ago and broke hip, can't have surgery because of high risk to go under, not putting out urine today and started loosing bowels, not waking up to take treatments and becoming more confused, skin is becoming dry and flaking off, blue spots on lips. Coughing up more phlem, dark in color even dripping out of nose if head is down, How much longer can this go on? What more can I expect? He has since used a urnal it is very dark and seems thick, maybe has minerals in it.
22 Answers
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As for the emphysema, it need not be a death sentence. No one really knows when they'll die of it until that time comes. Meanwhile, encourage him to keep up with his treatments and to drink more water and eat a healthy diet. It would also be a good idea to find some little exercises he can do sitting or laying down and get the blood moving better.
I had an elderly friend with COPD and he was given exercises but sadly he wouldn't do them and he ended up suffering needlessly because of his unwillingness to cooperate. There are ways to manage emphysema if you're only willing. You can get more out of life and the best of it by taking proper steps to make your life better
Emphysema is a serious pulmonary condition. Pls consider an aggressive pain treatment plan. Again, good luck and God bless you both.
Please call in Hospice. It will be a comfort for both of you. They will see to it she has a hospital bed. They'll do or help you do whatever is helpful for the blisters. If she develops incontinence or weakness that makes it difficult to get out of bed or to walk, they will provide supplies and a bedside commode if that would help. As symptoms arise they will figure out a way to deal with them -- no cure, of course, but comfort measures. They can bathe her. I think Hospice is especially well trained and experienced to deal with cancer.
My husband died of Lewy Body Dementia. They were not familiar with that disease at all but I was able to give them information and they did a wonderful job. We only had them for about 5 weeks, because the final stage came on quickly and didn't last long. If his final decline had started earlier I would have called them earlier.
My father was diagnosed with lung cancer on a Tuesday; he died on that Friday. He was in the hospital for prostate surgery and wasn't recovering well and that is when the lung cancer was discovered. It was a shock to all of us, of course. In some ways that short notice was easier on us, in other ways it would have been good to have at least a little more time. But we get what we get. You've been dealing with already for a year. You have several more months ahead of you. Let Hospice help you.
Do you think your mother recognizes the fatal nature of her illness?
The doctor should address the issue of the dark Phlem. Be sure to mention this. YOU can take care of the skin...break-outs from Lasix, and dryness from whatever. Apply prescription salve or ointment on the skin. For painful skin: Lidocaine HCL 3%. Repeat every five hours. Don't forget the hot-water bottle on the bottom of the feet.
I'm sure these questions have been asked and then aswered: Is he on a Foley catheter? or a Urinal? How many liters does he put out per day? How are fluids administered to him? IV, I hope. I would not worry about the broken hip. Did he have the Pneumonia vaccine? How long ago? How 'bout pain meds? Ask. Ask again.
You are in for a ride.....stand by with love and put yourself in his place if you can. Wake him up for meds, but don't try to keep him awake. The end will come when all he'll do is sleep. Bless you.
speaking to her. My mother was the same way, but somehow they always got her to do what I couldn't.
You need to be sure you are taking care of yourself because you must be exhausted due to the nights.
Reindeermomma is so right. Your doctor can probably refer you to a hospice. If not call one yourself and tell them everything. They will be completely sympathetic. My prayers are with you.
They can really help. Him as well as you. Hang in there. I know when they linger it makes it so hard on the family, but yet when they are gone you want them back.
Hospice is covered by Medicare. Hugs to you.
phylllbug, I send my prayers and thoughts for you and your husband.