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kreeket Asked December 2012

Mom doesn't want to eat, the hospital is feeding her through IV. Is this just another way to prolong her life?

she is 87, fractured her hip 2 months ago, been combative at nursing home so they kept her sedated. When she started to awaken she got angry & combative again. So the cycle began of drugs to subdue her then force her to eat. Can I stop this & just bring her home to either die or recuperate?

Bhenson Dec 2012
I went through the same thing with my mom. I think it's possible she's telling you that she's had enough. Mom had a broken neck but was then moved to a nursing home. She gave up after that and wouldn't eat a thing. My stupid brother had them put in a feeding tube. I was told it could be removed after 6 weeks if we wanted. Don't believe that because it's not always true. Very hard to get one removed. I feel for you but I also know that my mom was telling us it was the end and to let her go. Bring her home. I couldn't because my brother had medical POA and wouldn't allow it, but she begged me to often. Please take care of yourself as well. Hugs

jeannegibbs Dec 2012
I don't see why not.

Do keep in mind that Mom may continue to be combative at home. She may refuse to eat.

I see from your profile that Mom has dementia as well as a broken hip. Is she in the final stages of dementia? If so, consider having a hospice evaluation.

Is Mom on Medicaid? If so have her case manager schedule a needs assessment as soon as you bring her home, to determine what services and products Medicaid will cover at home.

This is a very painful situation for you, I'm sure. If bringing her home is what you want to do, I sincerely hope it works out for you both.



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