I have been writing about the Queen coming just to (visit) & I have been taking care of mom for 2 yrs. It is with a very heavy heart that I am writing this. Mom has been my life for 2 yrs & now she is dying . I am here with her now but hospice says death is immimnent within 48hrs. Her body Is shutting down. My mother has been my (life ) I can't imagine it without her. When I moved in to take care of her my friends became her friends. I always included her no matter what. Recently moms dog died she had her 8 yrs . From than on it has been downhill. I know I have to go on (BUT HOW ) ???? I am 56 yrs old I never married no children. Just (great friends ) I wanted a career more than anything, But now I will be LOST! Please tell me how to go on without her. I have a grevience councelor but I just can't see how they can help, (been there done that with dad. I am crying as I write this but it does help to write how i feel.
8 Answers
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Death can be beautiful - when it gives release from suffering and pain. Death can be beautiful when it magnifies love through the comfort, the compassion and sympathy of friends and relatives.
Death can be beautiful when it binds those yet living more closely together, when it revives memories of a life which in its totality displayed a richness of texture and a strength of design in which the selflessness, tenderness compassion and generosity were merged. Death can be beautiful when in coming it opens the doors of life again - a life revealed in God's beyond and evermore. Death can be a gift, a reward, a promise fulfilled, the essence of God's love. The sorrow itself, that trails the wake of death, is a quality and measure of love that is creative in that it requires us to re-examine the values we hold. It causes us to question the validity of our lives, it opens our hearts to renewed appreciation of those whom we still have to love and underscores the possibility of unpredictable loss.
Addie W. Williams
The most important thing is that you're there now for your Mom and that's the greatest gift to her. Keep posting, you have friends here, we are experiencing or have experienced just what you're going through. I check in every day as I continue to get my bearing and overcome that lost feeling.
For now {{{{tanner}}}}. I know the next weeks are going to be hard for you.
Hugs to you. This is very, very hard. You will get through it and your life will resume. Take advantage of all hospice has to offer.