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anonymous155170 Asked February 2013

Has anyone tried Ginkgo Biloba with everything else you are trying?

My mom's doctor does believe in using some vitamins and I was told to make sure mom got B12 and to try Coconut Oil. I have also added grapeseed vitaming because they say it helps too, but I was wondering if anyone has tried Ginkgo Biloba with any results?

I just found out the Nameda they put my mom on is to see how she tolerates it, so she is not even on a full dose. They put her on 5 mg twice a day to test her tolerance. The full dose is 10 mg twice a day. I did ask about other vitamins, but forgot to ask about the Ginkgo Biloba. I bought some, but not sure whether to put it in my mom's pill box.

So very interested in what others have tried.


anonymous155170 Feb 2013
Chimonger, I will be discussing it with the doctor but curious if it was worth my time or not. So far she has had no side affects of the Nameda, I just wish she was on a full dose. I was told we would not see any changes to her behavior until she was on the full dose.

chimonger Feb 2013
My previous post has information you might want to ask her Doc about,
like, ask why the token Ginkgo dose, for instance.
==It may be related to her taking Nameda--because Nameda can have side effects, and, he might wish to kinda get a handle on how she does with htat, before adding much else.
==It might also be, the Doc has been informed by old data regarding therapeutic dose of ginkgo [old papers discussed 10 mg...].
==OR, it might be, the form he prescribed, might be a pharmaceutical, more intensely effective one,than those found over-the-counter.

Lots of questions for you to discuss with the Doc.
Pharmacopia is so complicated; adding herbals and nutritionals to it, can make it more so!


anonymous155170 Feb 2013
Chimonger, thanks for the information. I had a response typed up and messed up the posting.

My mom has a permenant broken leg and Alzheimer's. We are fortunate that mom's neurologist does believe in some vitamins and minerals along with prescription drugs. I have not had a chance to ask about the Gingko yet, but I wondered if it had worked for anyone.

My mom is doing B12, Grapeseed and Coconut oil with Nameda. The doctor has her on Nameda to see how she reacts, so she is not on a full dose yet. We go back in April to see the doctor because we are traveling.

chimonger Feb 2013
IF she is in a nursing home,
and the Doc is worried about how much stuff costs,
they will, in those circumstances, compromise and give those token low doses
--so it can be seen that the Doc is complying with family wishes,
and, still keeping costs down.
==But there is not much "therapeutic" in a dose only 10 mg twice a day, even in a very tiny body.
You didn't mention what it is wanted for....??

chimonger Feb 2013
It has been helping. It works as a low-key blood thinner.
It gets O2 circulated easier to extremities and brain.
It is not a "cure all", but it has been witnessed to work extraordinarily well for some things.
Not all brands work equally well, some are garbage.
Look for ones without fillers; ones from good companies, for best effects, though I have tried Costco's Ginkgo, and it works somewhat.
Phytopharmica has been one of those good companies.
Use the regular Ginkgo, NOT their "ginkgo phytosomes"--I found those did NOT work--it was almost like taking a bad brand of ginkgo, despite company literature bragging how great it is supposed to be.

My gauge:
Dad had poorly controlled Diabetes 2.
He had bad cellulitis from the knees, down, and experienced blackening of toes, threatened by amputations; also high Blood Pressure. He was a rather large man, 6'6", and overweight.
[[I include that, by way of suggesting a tiny-size person may require smaller amounts!]]
He started taking Phytopharmica Ginkgo, 120 mg twice a day.
Within about 2 weeks, circulation increased to his feet/toes, improving the color, and getting him off the amputation schedule.
Color kept improving, and cellulitis reduced by about half, measurable.

WHEN he tried another supposedly good brand [Murdoch] in same dose, the cellulitis came back, and he was again threatened with toe amputations.
When he returned to using Phytopharmica Ginkgo, the troubles reduced, and, he was able to keep his toes intact.
When he tried to stop taking Ginkgo, the troubles returned.
All measurable, all documented by his Docs in his medical files.

Because it helped circulate blood easier, it also helped reduce his Blood Pressure a bit, so he had less BP pills to take [and those side effects].

He worked WITH his Doc, to make sure to get meds adjusted properly.
IF he'd worked at controlling his diet better, things would have improved more. But he did get to die with his toes still intact!

For me, it helps with brain processing information, and helps keep blood pressure where it needs to be.

Not all Docs are ready, willing or able to work with their patients to blend herbals and drugs.
Either one finds a Doctor who does, or one takes their education and health into their own hands, using judicious, prudent, educated choices.

Take Care!

willingdonkey1 Feb 2013
havent tried this but will be interested to read if any one else has, like yourself I have mam take b vitamins, she also has cod liver oil. Like to give her the chance of any benefits to her health and well being x


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