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nadine12 Asked March 2013

Are there any caregivers rights if nothing in writing?

okay so my fiancé and I moved in to take care of an elderly man. about two years later he passed and left no will. his son and daughter now after being mia for 10 years shows up and were appointed executors of the estate, since then they kicked us out . is there any rights that we still have as we were live in care givers? with nothing in writing?

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Mar 2013
I'm sorry, but it's not likely. Even if he didn't pay you at all and you still took care of him, it shows his kids are not very nice people, but there's not likely anything you can do. If he paid you, then they likely consider that your "reward." Unfortunately, you are not alone.

JessieBelle Mar 2013
No, you probably don't have any rights. His children were his next of kin, so if he died atestate, they are his legal heirs. Sorry.


jeannegibbs Mar 2013
If he had enough money to pay for your services, I assume that he was paying you ... ?

Sorry, but unless there is something about his intentions in writing, I don't think you have a claim.

nadine12 Mar 2013
thank you very much very helpful


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