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wkadamek Asked March 2013

Caregiver taking advantage of my step father. What can I do?

I am the POA for my 84 year old stepfather who is in a nursing home. He had a caregiver that stole $40,000+ dollars from him and got herself put on his will. She was taking care of him when he had a car accident caused by effects of Malnutritian. He has sense been bed ridden in a nursing home with a feeding tube. He cares for the caregiver and wont admit to being taken advantage of so even with police reports, prosecutors office wont take action. Have kept the caregiver away with a no contact until this week due to a local judge giving her . supervised visitation. Because the prosecutors office wont take the case we are taking her to Civil court next month. She is a registered nurse that is currently taking care of two new elderly clients. She is also on Social Security disability and, according to the police records, not claiming any of her income or theft monies. What else can I do?

AlwaysMyDuty Mar 2013
It appears you're doing all you can do. It isn't uncommon for the elderly to be hoodwinked and then refuse to take action when they discover the truth. They're embarrassed and usually don't have the strength, physically or mentally, to fight. I'm glad you have taken on that battle for your stepfather. This woman sounds less than stellar from your description. Were you able to have your stepfather change his will to exclude this woman? If not, it appears the damage has been done and the only thing you can do is watch her like a hawk. What an unfortunate mess! My mom befriended her caregiver and in the end, I was excluded from her will and said caregiver was added to the will. My mom didn't have dementia so according to my lawyer it was all legal. I didn't want or expect anything. It just hurt to see that my mom wanted everyone to know I never existed to her.


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