My husband is sort of my father-in-laws POA. He was named once before and my father-in-law had an issue with the tone and how my husband answered a question (after it was explained to him numerous times) on how to handle a situation with a phone bill.
My father-in-law then gave POA to a card playing buddy and a realative 4 hours away. His buddy died and after he had an "episode" he realized 4 hours is a long drive in an emergency and it is now back to my husband again.
He refuses to put my husband's names on checks, refuses to have any joint account, when the lawyer asked him if he wanted to set up a trust so the nursing home could not take his home if he ever went to a nursing home he said, "nope, let them have it." POA for my husband only kicks in if 2 doctos declare my father-in-law incompetent.
During the first POA set up when my husband was named (this was done at my father-in-laws request), they asked him in the event my husband (his son) died, who does he want to inherit his estate? He said his granddaughter (my daughter). They then asked if he wanted to name me the administrator since she was a minor and he said no. He told them he never wanted his son to marry anyone and to let the court appoint someone. They then told them since he is elderly and she is several years away from being legal age, that court fees would eat up everything. It was then he said, "Okay" but wasn't happy about it.
After he pulled the stunt of changing everything and then changing it back, he told my husband, "I don't want her (me) coming around her no more. He also lays cards and gifts from his granddaughter to the side and I have no clue if he ever opens them.
I found out that I am named as a back up POA in the event (God forbid) that my husband dies. I don't want it because the first thing I would do is put him in a nursing home. I do not drive due to health reasons and I will not pay for a taxi to take me to his house 3 times a day which is what my husband is doing.
It is my understanding you can refuse a POA. If that issue ever came up and he outlived my husband, do I just send a formal letter to his attorney refusing it? Does he then receive someone appointed by the state? He has one other child that he gave up for adoption that he refuses to meet with, so she is out of the picture to take over. His other family is deceased or hours away.
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Since there is no reason to make a decision now, don't. Things change, and if indeed you end up with POA that may be a good thing in that the matters you mentioned related to bank accounts and the house will be in your control.
You can decide at the time if you wish to accept appointment or not. If you refuse the language is very simple:
I, ______________, of __(Address)______, ____(City), _____(State), __(Zip), a resident of _________ County, __(State), named as Attorney-in-Fact under a Durable Power of Attorney executed by ______________, then a resident of and domiciled in ____(City), ___(State), and dated the ___ day of ________, 20__, do hereby state that I am unwilling to act as such Attorney-in-Fact as of the date of the execution of this document.
Executed this ___ day of ______, 20__
(Your Name)
What FIL has is a "springing" POA. A durable POA is much easier to deal with. Any reason why his is the "springing" type? One issue with springing POA is that the requirement from MD documentation in order for it to happen can be difficult. MD is all about medical and health care issues and they don't want to be caught up in a legal issue. Especially if there are competing interests within the family on what needs to happen with or for momma or daddy. The MD can be sued (or threatened with a suit) or called into court for compentency hearing by competing family members, so many MD's just won't do the springing paperwork. They will say something like you need to have them evaluated by another specialist.
You do not have to be the POA, you can refuse it. But you know it may be good to stay on the paperwork. Because it will provide you the legal mechanism to make him become a "ward of the state" and then he & his demands and & care all becomes a problem for the state. If the day comes and you end up being the POA, I'd get my own attorney - who is experienced in guardianships - to do this and not use the one that your FIL uses.You want to make sure that if there are any costs in doing this, you are paid from FIL's $ and an attorney who is retained by you will make sure that is the case. KIL's attorney may take the position that you do whatever as duty with no compensation. If you can, I'd work on a document now (that you keep) that details the issues and history with your FIL. Put down whatever you know about the estranged daughter he has and whatever else you can think of. The whole lineal heirship issues are subject to state law. In Louisiana, it is hard to totally write out your children as our laws are based on French law (with odd quirks on parental responsibility and lineation).
The whole "I'm gonna change my POA" routine is very common. My mom's attorney had her do a "Guardianship in Case of Incapacity" form decade ago when we did her DPOA, MPOA and codicil to her will. The attorney (an estate attorney) said that it was his experience that about 1/3 of the elders go an do a revokation or carry on about changing the POA as a whole control issue for them. Sure enough, my mom did this and I was able to pull out the "Guardianship" form to use as a negotiating tool (or threat) with her. She was all peeved because I was making her move into IL apartment with 800 sq ft with terrace, meals, activities, driver service, etc. this after coming into her home and finding the gas on and doors inaccessible among other issues. Moved her into IL. Very dramarama on the whole move too. Then a couple of days after moving into IL, I called her about 9 AM just to see how the morning went (the IL has a door placecard system that has to be posted by 8:30 AM by each residents) and she was super short and said, "I can't talk, have to run as the van is leaving for the shopping trip to SteinMart" .Well so much for "living in a prison". LMAO.
I wondered how your husband feels about his father and how he deals with his father's feelings for you. This must be hard on all of you.
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