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Rubbles2052 Asked March 2013

Shouldn't insurance should foot the bill?

does insurance pay for a persons vision, like laser or whatever needed to help correct that persons vision that has been losing little by little due to their treatments for cancer they were taking? chemo and radiation does weakin the eyesite and damages the teeth so i would think his disability insurance should pay for the corrections to his issues since they were caused by his existing health issues, right? some plez help me in the right direction.

dkwillia Apr 2013

My name is Darryl and I am a Medicare counselor at the GA SHIP. You did not mention your age or if you a participant in the Medicare program. If you are receiving Medicare, below is my advice.

Vision Benefits Offered Under Medicare, Parts A and B

Participants in Medicare Parts A and B ("original Medicare") generally are eligible for the following types of vision coverage. Amounts and conditions may vary by state, and you must pay an annual Plan B deductible before Medicare begins to pay its share.

Also, Medicare beneficiaries have a coinsurance obligation. This is the amount you are required to pay as your share of the costs for services after you pay any deductibles.

In most cases, you are required to pay 20 percent of Medicare-approved amounts for medical services provided.
Cataract surgery. Medicare covers many of the costs associated with cataract surgery, including the cost of a standard intraocular lens (IOL) used to replace your eye's natural crystalline lens that has become clouded by a cataract.

If you choose a premium intraocular lens, such as a multifocal IOL to correct your eyesight at all distances and thereby reduce your need for reading glasses after surgery, you must pay the added cost for this IOL (above the cost of a standard IOL) out-of-pocket.
Eyewear after cataract surgery. Medicare helps pay for one pair of eyeglasses or contact lenses after cataract surgery. Only standard eyeglass frames are covered.
Glaucoma screening. Medicare helps pay the cost of an annual glaucoma screening for individuals at high risk for glaucoma, including people with diabetes or a family history of glaucoma and African-Americans who are age 50 or older. Glaucoma screening consists of a comprehensive eye exam, including dilation and intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement.
Ocular prostheses. Medicare helps pay the costs associated with replacement and maintenance of an artificial eye.

I would also recommend that you look into purchasing a Medicare Advantage plan (Medicare benefits received via private insurance companies) several of them have additional benefits (vision, dental and hearing) beyond Part A and B traditional coverage.

If you have any additional coverage, do not hesitate to contact me.

Take care,


Scared Apr 2013
Call the insurance company. Every plan is different.



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