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pkp1952 Asked April 2013

I feel that I need some emotional help dealing with my 86 yr. old mother. How can I find a support group for caregivers?

pkp1952 Apr 2013
I do live in a rural area and have nothing within an hour drive. But would be willing to drive that far if I could find a good one. Will try google. Thanks!

bookluvr Apr 2013
If your mother has Alzheimer, you can Google for the alzheimer website and find if there's a support group in your area. I was typing away with other suggestions when I remembered "Google." So, I opened another website and Googled "caregiver support group in XXXXX" And there it is - our one and only support group here on island. It worked! So, why don't you try it for your area.

FYI, I have read from several other posters that because they lived in a rural area, they did not have one. The closest support group was an hour or more drive. I hope you find one in your immediate area.



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