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valleylynn Asked May 2013

My 83 year old mom keeps two loaded hand guns in the house "for protection." How do I deal with this?

My mom is 83 years old and keeps 2 loaded hand guns in the house "for protection."How do I deal with this? How can I get them from her? She keeps them hidden away and seems paranoid in general, but she's always been this way. Help!

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF May 2013
This is scary! Do you think you can get rid of the ammunition? While there are some people who can still aim and shoot at 83, a paranoid personality could be a tragedy waiting to happen. If nothing else, you may have to involve law enforcement. I don't know the laws in your state, but they maybe will have suggestions for you. Good luck,

Daeyel May 2013
I think she is smart. You have not mentioned any mental or physical frailties. If that is the case, then she has the right to defend herself against violent criminals.
Guns are only evil if misused, and the elderly are more vulnerable than others.
Her ability to aim is irrelevant - most gun uses are extreme close range - within 10 feet, so her aim is not going to be a factor - even the blind keep and carry guns for protection!
Again, so long as she is mentally and physically competent, it is her right, and I say, go mom!

If she has not got the mental capacity (and paranoia is not a disqualifier) then you will need to take steps to have the firearms removed. If you do so, be sure to give her another means of self defense! I recommend the wasp spray that shoots a stream up to 20 feet. This is an excellent non lethal self defense tool for any age.


mgcarter May 2013
My mother was extremely paranoid at the beginning. . .before meds. My brother-in-law just picked up the pistol and walked out of the house with it. She kept asking for it, but NOBODY wanted her to have the gun. By this point, she was declaired incompentent, so we had the right to take the gun. I suggest that you removed the guns from her presence. I was afraid that if she pulled out an unloaded gun, she would get shot by the police, then, we would have an altogether different problem. Take Away The Guns! ! !

capnhardass May 2013
get your hands on the weapons and get a friend / gunsmith to drop the firing pins out of them. most weapons disassemble readily and without tools for ease of cleaning .ms paranoid aint gonna give up her guns without a fight..

garza5 May 2013
My husband is 87 with alzheimers. We live in the country and have always had guns for protection. Sometimes he doesn't know where he is and occasionally doesn't recognize me. I am afraid that at one of those times he might shoot me thinking I'm a burglar, or shoot someone else in the house. I haven't seen an attorney but have been told that if he shoots someone, I am the one without the alzheimers, so I would be legally responsible. And morally, of course. I got rid of the serious gun and have hidden my small revolver where he can't find it. I have enough problems without gun problems and won't take a chance.


Moozklmel May 2013
I was wondering...Is there something in particular that she's afraid of? Things she's seen on the news? Is she obsessive about other things? Or is she just afraid to be alone?
When my Dad moved in with me, I sent his gun collection to my brother in law and nephews. They hunt and have locked gun safes.
I, on the other hand, have a curious ADHD son, and a parade of strange caregivers that come to the house to take care of Dad. Access to firearms is not in their job description.
Dad is very resentful, but its my house. My rules.
Your momma's guns have to go away. If she pointed a gun at anyone, she could be arrested. If she pointed a gun at a cop, the officer could shoot her.
I agree with Ms Bursack that involving local law enforcement is in order. Maybe a visit from a nice friendly neighborhood cop will help her make sensible decisions. At the very least, the police need a record that there might be a potential issue here.

Marlenja123 May 2013

mgcarter May 2013
Terrim: My parents always had guns around the house and when dad passed away, we had no problem with mother having a pistol nearby. But when dementia set in and she was having paranoid anger issues about non existant problems, that was the time to change our ideas of when to remove the gun. She imagined her eldest son was trying to kill her and every person coming to the door was a threat. . .all we needed was for her to start firing off that gun. You should NEVER leave a gun with a person that has dementia issues. The guardian may end up being the responsible person in that case. I'm not anti gun, I'm for keeping our loved ones safe en every possible way.

Labs4me May 2013
THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS? Children cannot buy or register guns. Mentally ill people cannot possess guns. People who were convicted of domestic abuse cannot own a gun. People with serious past convicted felonies cannot own guns. A person without an FID Card or back ground check cannot buy a gun. Thank god I live in a state that has enough sensible laws to try and keep guns out of the hands of people who should not own guns. Yes it is a constitutional right. So is freedom of speech, but you can't go around saying you are going to take the life of a president. Any one who shows signs of declining mental abilities should not be in possession of a gun!

Layne2017 Feb 2017
When I moved into the house to care for my mom and dad who both have Dementia, I did not know that there was a gun in the house as I had really never looked through all their stuff. As their diseases progressed, one morning I went downstairs to dispense their meds, Mom was looking down the barrell of that pistol! "Trying to check and see if it is loaded.", she said. She informed me that it was not loaded. I tricked her into putting it down on the table, and when I finally was able to take it away, I found it was fully loaded. I almost had a heart attack when I considered what could have easily happened as she looked down that barrel! Needless to say, that gun is gone and I went through that place with a fine tooth comb making sure there were no more.

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